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Green Partnerships Local Partnerships for Greener Cities and Regions Study visit and 3 rd Steering Committee meeting Freiburg, 14 – 18 October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Partnerships Local Partnerships for Greener Cities and Regions Study visit and 3 rd Steering Committee meeting Freiburg, 14 – 18 October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Partnerships Local Partnerships for Greener Cities and Regions Study visit and 3 rd Steering Committee meeting Freiburg, 14 – 18 October 2013

2 Green Partnerships Local Partnerships for Greener Cities and Regions Project management (WP1) Alianta d.o.o. Urška Dolinar Freiburg, 16 October 2013 Project coordination Implementation Handbook

3 3 Topics Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 o Implementation Handbook o Following indicators of project progress o Agreement on next meetings

4 4 Working together in (and for) Green Partnerships Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Who? What? (By) When? For how much money?

5 5 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Presenting the Green Partnerships Implementation Handbook and little bit more into details: project ORGANISATION project MONITORING REPORTING

6 6 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 IMPLEMENTATION HANDBOOK = What is the Implementation Handbook ? o a document with a set of instructions for project implementation o “everything you need to know” document o summary of all important “MED instructions” + internal organisational rules Why is it important? o to assure unified approach used by all project partners for implementing activities and delivering all outputs and results o to avoid confusion, ease the administration and enable focus on the content When to use it? o When you have any kind of open issues regarding the project implementation try first to find answers in the Implementation Handbook and later ask Project Management Group Basic information

7 7 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Handbook chapters (1) 1. Glossary All important project expressions and abbreviations o What is AF, AB? o What does FLC, SC … stand for? o etc. 2. Project organisation Who is who, what are their responsibilities o What is the project structure? o What is my responsibility as project partner? What is the role of WP leader, Project Management Group? o Which are the project decision-making bodies? o How does the communication within the partnership work? Whom to turn to regarding content issues, technical issues. Who is communicating with JTS, NCP, FLC?

8 8 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Agreed communication guidelines  Keep agreed deadlines – if not possible please inform partners and set a new deadline.  Answer e-mail questions within a maximum of three days.  No reaction to proposal means acceptance.  For Green Partnerships visibility and communication, all partners are expected to use the agreed project templates and communication materials only.  If you are unavailable please make sure that your substitute contact takes over.

9 9 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Handbook chapters (2) 3. Contractual relations Contracts signed during the implementation of the project o What is a Subsidy Contract, Partnership Agreement? o Which issues should you pay attention to when starting public procurement process?

10 10 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Handbook chapters (3) 4. Project changes During the project lifecycle some changes might be necessary o Which changes are major changes (with or without previous approval of the MA/MC) and which are minor changes? o What is administrative change? o Can I change the spending forecast? Project changes can be requested only twice in the project duration, therefore a coordinated action of the partnership is crucial. The first change request is foreseen at the end of 2013, and the second 6 months before project end (December 2014). All project changes requiring an approval of the programme bodies can be implemented only after approval has been given.

11 11 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Handbook chapters (4) 5. Project Monitoring o What you have to do? Till when? What are the standards for certain output? o Which outputs and results you have to achieve? o How much can I spend? How much money do I have in certain BL / WP? o What do I need to archive for the audit purpose? CONTENT – RELATED MONITORING MONITORING OF INDICATORS FINANCIAL MONITORING AUDIT OF THE PROJECT & ARCHIVING & and contains effective tools for monitoring the project Implementation Handbook explains the whole monitoring system!

12 12 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Content-related monitoring o What you have to do? o How does it have to be done? o How are we doing with the implementation? o Monitoring the project indicators o Who to contact for what? APPLICATION FORM WORK PROGRAMME INSTRUCTIONS OF WP LEADERS TO DO LIST INDICATOR TABLES INFORMATION FLOW: PARTNER  WORK PACKAGE LEADER  LP/MANAGEMENT GROUP CONTACT LIST

13 13 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Financial monitoring o Subsidy Contract o Application Form o Presage CTE

14 14 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Monitoring of progress – indicators o Progress of Work Packages and achievement of deliverables o Reaching the target groups: o With pilot activities o With dissemination actions o With communication actions WP LEADERS FILL IN THE ACTUAL VALUES EACH 3 MONTHS + SEND THE FINISHED DELIVERABLES/UPLOAD THEM TO DROPBOX EACH PARTNER FILLS IN THE ACTUAL VALUES TO THE DELIVERABLES TABLE AT THE END OF REPORTING PERIOD

15 15 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Handbook chapters (5) 6. REPORTING STEP by STEP through reporting o When and how you have to complete your Partner Report? o How to report your activities and when will you receive the money you have spent? o When you have to submit your PPR to you FLC? When you have to send the Interim Certificate to the LP? o Which costs can you report?

16 16 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Reporting deadlines

17 17 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Handbook chapters (6) 8. ANNEXES Annex 1Contact list Annex 2Green Partnerships Work Programme Annex 3Indicators tables Annex 4aTemplate for the Report of a subcontractor Annex 4b Template for the confirmation about accurately implemented external service Annex 5Template for budget changes (to be added) Annex 6Checklist for project meetings

18 18 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Handbook chapters (7) 9. SOURCES – FURTHER READING o MED Factsheets o MED FLC Guidelines o MED website and other useful documents o Contracts o Application Form o EU Regulations

19 19 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, DILEMMAS? Don’t hesistate to ask: individual sessions during the meeting/via skype contact your First Level Control Contact: Stanka Klemenčič-Kosi

20 20 Freiburg, 15. 10. 13 Next project meetings #Meeting planned in the Application Form Alternative/agreed month and location Exact dates of the meeting 4Bosnia-Herzegovina – Sarajevo ?? March 2014 Late January/early February 2014 – after the end of reporting period 5., 6., February 5Cyprus – Lakatamia?? August 2014 June 20149- 13th of June, 6Montenegro – Podgorica?? December 2014 2nd to 6th of December 7Final meeting+conference Slovenia, Maribor May 2015 18th – 22nd of May 2015, Habakuk -Additional meeting needed?

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