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Mini Project I Multiplying Binomials Lydia Kang. Multiplying Binomials by Modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini Project I Multiplying Binomials Lydia Kang. Multiplying Binomials by Modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini Project I Multiplying Binomials Lydia Kang

2 Multiplying Binomials by Modeling

3 Multiplying Binomials by Tables

4 Multiplying Binomials by FOIL Method

5 Khan Academy: FOIL Method Khan Academy: FOIL Method Video Clip watch?v=bumoT28a6TU

6 Which one works the best? Modeling by applying distractive properties? Using the tables to show what has been multiply and combine them? OR FOIL Method by applying Front, Outer, Inner and Later?

7 MathSpace Time!!! Each students will be given question like this on Mathspace. They are to answer the question using whichever ways they feel easy to do so…

8 MathSpace Time!!! If a student answer it incorrectly, the x with blue circle will indicate incorrect answer and the student can try again to answer the question.

9 MathSpace Time!!! If a student answered it correctly, the correct answer will have the indication of check mark in green circle.

10 MathSpace Time!!! If a student need assistance, there is rectangle box with the word “HINT” click on that will provide assistance.

11 DOL Questions  DOL Questions” 1. (5x – 2) (2x +4) 2. (4x + 5) (4x – 5)

12 Homework Assignemtn Complete the worksheet # 1 – 27 Odd

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