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CARB Continuous PM 2.5 Monitoring Activity (BAM’s) Reggie Smith California Air Resources Board.

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Presentation on theme: "CARB Continuous PM 2.5 Monitoring Activity (BAM’s) Reggie Smith California Air Resources Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARB Continuous PM 2.5 Monitoring Activity (BAM’s) Reggie Smith California Air Resources Board

2 Continuous PM2.5 Monitor Network ARB Ambient Air Monitoring Sites –13 Sites with BAM-1020 Monitors (17 units) –3 Special Purpose Sites (6 units) –61 total samplers 4 Collocated BAM-1020 Sites 9 Sites with FRM and BAM

3 Standard CARB BAM Configuration PM 10 Sampling Inlet (BX-802) Sharp Cut Cyclone (BX-807) Smart Heater Met Translator Option (BX-964) Firmware v2.58 Gast Rotary Pump (BX-121) Volumetric Flow Control

4 Data Analysis SLOPE: Indicator of the bias of the BAM compared to the FRM INTERCEPT: Offset between the BAM and FRM r 2: Correlation coefficient of the linear regression between the two instruments

5 BAM-1020 Accuracy



8 BAM-1020 Precision



11 Network Summary Overall BAM Network Performance –All BAM/FRM data regressed as one data set –Slope of 0.990 –Intercept of 3.07 –r 2 of 0.940


13 BAM Maintenance Bi-Weekly Leak and Flow Checks are absolutely necessary to ensure proper operation Failed leak and flow checks are associated with poor FRM correlation in ARB’s experience Adhere to AQSB SOP 400 (BAM Standard Operating Procedures)

14 CARB Zero Test Sample Zero air using BX-302 HEPA Filter 76 consecutive hours (First 4 hours removed) Background set to 0.000 Min/Max Zero test range of 14 ug/m 3 No value exceeding 20 ug/m 3 Any errors during test, re-run test Field zero test annually (24 hour test)

15 BAM Datalogger Review Review of the internal datalogger is important Reveals offsets between the BAM and the external data acquisition system Review of Q tot (total volume sampled) hourly values helps detect flow problems Detailed error codes are stored in the internal datalogger data

16 Conclusions The BAM-1020 Monitor is well-suited for PM-AQI, Prescribed Fire and Ag-Burn Forecasting, diurnal profiling, quantifying short term events, and characterizing atmospheric dynamics Is it good enough for regulatory determinations?

17 Next Steps Evaluate data using U.S. EPA’s Criteria Designation of Equivalence Methods for Continuous Surveillance of PM 2.5 Determine how good is good? –Slope: 1.00 +/- 5% –Intercept: 3 ug –Correlation: r 2 =.940 (r =.97)

18 Summary Contact Information –Voice: (916) 327-1238 –E-mail: CARB BAM Website –

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