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Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 1 XTOD Controls Preliminary Design Review Steve Lewis & Gunther Haller.

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Presentation on theme: "Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 1 XTOD Controls Preliminary Design Review Steve Lewis & Gunther Haller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 1 XTOD Controls Preliminary Design Review Steve Lewis & Gunther Haller

2 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 2 XTOD Controls Instrumentation in FEE NEH1 NEH2 NEH3 Tunnel Nothing in FEH…

3 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 3 MPS Gate valve: OUT FEE: 25 NEH 1: 3 NEH 2: 2 NEH 3: 0 Tunnel: 4 FEH: 1 Solid attenuator, IN or OUT FEE: 9 Linear Motions: ‘sweet spots’ FEE: 8 Pop-in Camera YAGs FEE: 7 NEH1: 4 Tunnel: 2

4 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 4 Motion

5 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 5 Motors All stepper motors 4- and 5-phase Micro-stepping: no Half-stepping: yes Holding current: yes Synchronization between motors: no Various usage Geared/Harmonic drive Stages (1-3d) Rack-and-pioned

6 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 6 8002 IP carrier Board 8601 4CH Motor Controller Up to max 4 8601’s On each 8002 Interface Ethernet RS232 Stepper Motor In/Out Limit 8CH SLAC Break-Out Chassis Xxx-xxx DB25 Motion: System Diagram with Stepper Motors and LVDT 8304 Transition Board Up to 16 CH Motor Control VME 6100 IOC Highland Tech. 8CH V550 LVDT Conditioner VME Module DIN Rail LVDT DS4000A-RAD SCSI 50pin Cables HYTEC SMDS4 4CH Stepper Driver Chassis DIN Rail To 3 more SMDS4’s Only where LVDT is used 4-phase: SMDS4-B (bipolar) 5-phase: SMDS4-5P (bipolar)

7 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 7 HYTEC IP-SM-8601 Industry-Pack Card 4 channels of stepper motor control Output Step and direction signals Input Limit switch signals Drive fault status Encoder signals VICB8002 IP VME Carrier Board Holds up to 4 4-channel 8601 cards 8304 VME Transition Board Connects to 4 4-channel driver chassis or 16 motors SMDS4-4B Bipolar Motor Driver Chassis 4 channels of bipolar (PWM Chopper) drive for 4-phase hybrid motors at up to 4A per phase. Internal 300W 24-V power supply

8 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 8 Motion Number of axis and 4-channel Hytec Chassis FEE : 28 4-ph (7 chassis), 20 5ph (5 chassis) LVDT About 3 out of 4 motors need LVDT Number of chassis FEE: 8

9 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 9 Pneumatic solenoid In/Out Control: Solenoid Actuated HOUSE AIR Vacuum Chamber BellowsPaddle Typical Solenoid with valve Controls Interface States of Limit Switches VME Crate Hytec 8002 IP carrier Board? Acromag IP445 RELAY DRIVER IP card Acromag IP440A Dig Input card Driver Check Acromag or Hytec SLAC-8-CH Solenoid Controller MVME6100 IOC Controls Interface To MPS

10 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 10 XTOD Controls con’t Solenoid (~ 32 each) Use SLAC solenoid chassis + IP cards SLAC chassis has output to MPS Assert MPS when solenoid is not in and not out (i.e. moving) Number of chassis FEE: 1 9 solid attenuator 7 pop-ins 5 other NEH: 1 4 pop-ins XRT: 1 2 pop-ins

11 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 11 Crates & IOC’s

12 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 12 VME Crates & IOC’s VME crates Wiener 7-slot, same as LCLS FEE: 7 NEH: 1 Dawn 2-slot, same as LCLS FEE: 1 VME IOC MVME6100, same as LCLS All have EVR’s Number of IOC’s FEE: 11 NEH:1

13 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 13 compactPCI Crates & IOC’s cPCI Same crate as XES With >=1 Acqiris DC282 8-GHz waveform digitizer With 1 Intel CPU With EVR Number of cPCI crates and DC282 FEE: 1, 2

14 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 14 Cameras

15 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 15 Multiple Camera System (frame rate = 10fps) MVME6100 IOC PMC EVR EDT CL Fiber from EVG Ethernet RS232 PMCSPAN2-002 EDT CL PULNiX CCD Camera 12VDC adapter 110VAC12V CameraLink cable with RS232 built-in PULNiX CCD Camera PULNiX CCD Camera 12VDC adapter 110VAC12V 12VDC adapter 110VAC12V CameraLink cable with RS232 built-in Trigger (VINIT) Use front-panel triggers of EVR Power for camera could also be supplied by SLAC profile monitor chassis Pairs shown above will be packed 2x or 3x in standard 7-slot VME crate

16 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 16 XTOD Controls con’t Cameras PULNiX Camera TM-4200CL. Frame grabber EDT PMCS, same as LCLS FEE: 7 NEH1: 4 Tunnel: 2 Scientific Grade Cameras Linux, software done at SLAC FEE: 2 each Cascade 512B/Princeton FEE: 1 each 2Kx2K/Princeton

17 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 17 Vacuum

18 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 18 Ethernet (EPICS VLAN) IOC Gauge ControllerMass Flow ControllerTurbo Pump Controller Analog and Digital Signals Beamline Gate Valves Mass Flow Unit Turbo Pumps Pirani + Cold Cathode + Baratron Gauges Gate Valve I/O Ethernet Interface ControlNet Interface Flex I/O ControlNet Scroll Pumps Scroll pump control GUI PLC RS-232 Magnetic Starter Ladder Logic Server RS-232 Ethernet Interface ControlNet Interface Terminal Server Ethernet (Field-bus VLAN) Gas Flow Type

19 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 19 IOC Gauge ControllerIon Pump ControllerTurbo Pump Controller Analog and Digital Signals Beamline Gate Valves Ion Pump Turbo Pumps Pirani + Cold Cathode Gauges Gate Valve I/O Ethernet Interface ControlNet Interface Flex I/O ControlNet Scroll Pumps Scroll pump control Serial interface GUI PLC RS-232 Magnetic Starter Ladder Logic Server RS-232 Ethernet Interface ControlNet Interface Ethernet (EPICS VLAN) Terminal Server Ethernet (Field-bus VLAN) Diagnostic Tank Type

20 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 20 IOC Gauge ControllerIon Pump Controller Analog and Digital Signals Beamline Gate Valves Ion Pump Pirani + Cold Cathode Gauges Gate Valve I/O Ethernet Interface ControlNet Interface Flex I/O ControlNet Serial interface GUI PLC RS-232 Ladder Logic Server Ethernet Interface ControlNet Interface Ethernet (EPICS VLAN) Terminal Server Ethernet (Field-bus VLAN) Beam-line Type

21 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 21 Vacuum con’t Vacuum Gamma MPC-2-100 ion pump controller (same as LCLS) MKS 937a Gauge controller (same as LCLS) Valves Varian VAT-48 (same as LCLS) PLC Allen-Bradley CLX-5000 (same as LCLS) with Flex-I/O VAT VF-2 fast shutter Varian V81,301,701,1001 turbo pump controller All except valve have analog/digital to PLC, serial to IOC PLC accepts EPICS commands, performs action if permitted PLC sends status to EPICS PLC turns off gauges, pumps, closes valves if needed PLC reports to MPS Number of ion pump/gauge controller’s; 1 PLC each FEE: 10, 16; and 9 turbo NEH1: 2,2 NEH2: 1,1 NEH3: 1,1 Tunnel: 5,5 FEH: 1,1

22 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 22 Other Controllers

23 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 23 Other Controllers con’t Temperature measurement (Thermocouples) Beckhoff model? Number of TC’s and Beckhoff’s FEE: 36, 9 High Voltage for PMT’s VME ISEG VHS 4020n_405 -2KV, 4mA Number of VME modules FEE: 1

24 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 24 Other Controllers con’t Illuminator (# each?) Profile Monitor Chassis has four channels. Each channel drives two 24VDC LED/Bulb Number of LED’s and chassis FEE: 8, 4 DC low-voltage/low-current for solenoid magnet for 2 DC solenoids Kepco KLP 75-33-1200 Serial interface Number of LVPS FEE: 2

25 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 25 Other Controllers con’t Control/monitor of Avalanche Photodiode units (voltage setting/monitoring) IPack: Acromag DAC, HyteC ADC 12 bits OK Number of DAC & ADC IP cards FEE: 1, 1 Total Energy Measurement VME ADC: ICS-121, ICS-130 Number of ADC’s? FEE: 1

26 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 26 Other Controllers con’t Lakeshore 340 temperature controller Number each FEE: 1 Ophir laser power meter NOVA2 serial or USB Number each? FEE: 2 FLI filter wheels SLAC solenoid chassis does not work, need wheel Model CF-1-5, serial interface being engineered Number of modules? FEE: 2

27 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 27 Other Controllers con’t Unspecified waveplate In FEE: 1

28 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 28 Racks & Power Standard LCLS Double-Racks Number of racks FEE: 3 NEH1: Number of units used in XES rack: 27 NEH2: Number of units used in XES rack: 21 NEH3: Number of units used in XES rack: 25 FEH: 1 24U/42” Under-beamline Number of racks FEE: 6 Tunnel: 5 Rack power distribution Furman unit with 100A input, same as LCL; one in each 24U rack SLAC Custom Larger unit, same as LCLS; one in each double-rack

29 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 29 Network Cisco Ethernet Switch Hutch switch shared with XES, supplied by XES Number of lines FEE: 43 NEH 1: 8 NEH 2: 1 NEH 3: 1 Tunnel: 10 FEH: 2 TS Terminal Server Hutch TS shared with XES, supplied by XES Number of lines FEE: 67 NEH 1: 4 NEH 2: 2 NEH 3: 2 Tunnel: 10 FEH: 2 Digi anywhere Ethernet/USB if needed

30 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 30 Hutch Assignments In the FEE, there is no place left for any other racks except if ceiling mounts are used. Also, the racks are nearly full, and this includes putting some items in the rear mounts. In NEH, the XTOD requirements have shrunk to almost nothing. XTOD will use space in XES racks Tunnel?

31 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 31 Hutch Assignments Hutch 1: - XES Cisco switch - enet for PLC and IOC (align cams) - XES terminal server TS-16 for vac controllers - MPS (from PLC) - Rackspace in XES rack with PLC engine, IOC, PLC-I/O, vac controllers Hutch 2: XES Cisco switch XES terminal server TS-16 for vac controllers Rackspace in XES rack with PLC-I/O, vac controllers Hutch 3: XES Cisco switch enet for IOC (sci-grade cam) XES TS-16 for vac controllers Rackspace in XES rack with IOC, PLC-I/O, vac controllers Rackspace in XES rack for vac for PPS stopper XTOD included vac (ion, gauges) for PPS stopper in Hutch 3. Use a dedicated PLC processor/engine for Near Hall, with 3 Flex-I/O stacks 1 in each rack for local signals. Runs ControlNet (RG-6) from engine to I/O. But above shows already one PLC in each hutch? In which hutch is this one?

32 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 32 Vacuum/PPS around Stoppers Stoppers FEE: 3 NEH3: 1 Tunnel: 4 XTOD has provided an ion pump supply and gauge controller to be fitted to PPS-supplied stopper mechanism with pump and gauge heads, which is controlled by an XTOD PLC Reason: Having an official "vacuum interface" on each side of each stopper between PPS and XTOD was not only a lot of paperwork, but a lot of cross-over signals between the PLCs controlling each sub-system. The assumption is that the vacuum condition is not interesting to PPS in its primary role. XTOD does not do anything with PPS signaling or stopper mechanism motion. Control and readback of the stoppers is through the PPS.

33 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 33 Valve/Shutter Comments There is /*NO*/ provision for fast valve protection between XTOD vacuum in FEE, NEH, XRT, or FEH. In fact, the UHV systems of the HOMS and SOMS couple directly to the UHV systems in Hutch 1 and 2 of NEH. There /*IS*/ one fast shutter in the system: it is in the DUMP just upstream of FEE and has sensors both farther upstream in the DUMP and farther downstream in the FEE; There are 2 slow valves near the sensors. All 5 devices are wired to one XTOD controller (VAT VF-2) in the FEE vacuum racks in the alcove which Controls shutter and valve in DUMP Controls valve in FEE 2 cables will have to routed through/around DUMP/FEE shield wall (difficult). VF-2 is fitted with 2 valve cards, 2 sensor cards, one shutter card. Note: above is not clear: In DUMP is one shutter, one valve, one sensor In FEE is one valve, one sensor Why only two cables to dump, are there not 3? FEE PLC talks to VF-2; it can request a valve motion and be notified if VF-2 triggers on its own. PLC will report if any shutter or valve is 'not open' to MPS NTIU. It does this for many other devices as well. Norum says its OK to logical AND/OR for obvious groups of devices with no intervening stoppers. MPS of course controls stoppers, but does not control shutters/valves.

34 Haller/Lewis XTOD Controls July 27, 2007 34 Additional Discussion Points Who does installation work at SLAC, who does Kaptar entering, when? Ernie Williams will help with best way to configure EPICS at LLNL to keep in sync with LCLS but overcome some limitations on direct file sharing due to aggressive firewalls on both ends; Terry Lahey will do Ethernet switches and terminal servers; Ponce Rodriguez and Mike DeSalvo will to most of cable installation.

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