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FS6059 MULTINATIONAL FINANCE Session 1. Learning objectives Demonstrate, mathematically and discursively, a clear understanding of the major theories.

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2 Learning objectives Demonstrate, mathematically and discursively, a clear understanding of the major theories relating to multinational financial management. Discuss the relationship between theory and practice in this area. Understand the financial implications of current international corporate events. Understand the rationale for multinational companies. Appreciate the key areas of international business decision-making. Analyse the changing importance of the foreign exchange market. Understand the principal problems associated with international capital budgeting and cash management. Analyse key sources of international finance. Appreciate role of international financial innovation.

3 Assessment Strategy Assessment type Description of item% Weighting Qual Mark Qual SetTariffWeek due CWK1Group Presentation20---7 CWK21500 word Group Report30---11 EXU2 hour unseen exam50---14

4 Syllabus International financial environment. Exchange rate behaviour. Exchange rate risk management. Long-term asset and liability management. Short-term asset and liability management

5 ESSENTIAL READING Core Texts Alan C Shapiro Foundations of Multinational Financial Management (6 th edition).John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008 Eiteman D, Stonehill, A and M Moffett. Multinational Business Finance (12 th edition)Pearson–Addison–Wesley, 2010 Kettell, B. Businessman’s Guide to the Foreign Exchange Market (Graham and Trotman) Kettell, B. What Drives Currency Marketsafter the Euro (FT-Prentice Hall)

6 ESSENTIAL READING Background Reading Griffin, R.W (2010) International Business 6 th ed Addison Wesley, Longman Hibbert, E.P (1997) International Business: Strategy and Operations, Macmillan Business Daniels, J.D. &Radebaugh, L.H. International Business: Environments and Operations, 13 th edAddison Wesley, Longman 2011 Dawes, B (1995). International Business: A European Perspective, Stanley Thornes Tayeb, M. International Business: Theories, Policies and Practices, FT/Prentice Hall

7 Lecture Programme This survey was conducted in 2010. This reveals youth involvement in different Economic sectors. WEEK 1.The current International Financial Environment WEEK 2.Foreign exchange rates WEEK 3.The international flow of funds WEEK 4.FX Spot and Forward Calculations and Forecasting WEEK5.PPP and Arbitrage Conditions WEEK6.Reading Week WEEK 7.Liability Management WEEK8. Capital Structure WEEK9.Asset Management WEEK 10. Reading Week WEEK 11.Revision Lecture

8 Seminar Programme WEEK 1.Course Structure and Assignment WEEK 2. International Financial Environment WEEK 3.Foreign exchange rates and the international flow of funds WEEK 4.FX Calculations and Forecasting WEEK 5. PPP and Arbitrage Conditions WEEK 6. Reading Week WEEK 7. Presentations WEEK8.International Capital Markets WEEK 9. Liability Management WEEK 10.Capital Structure

9 Thank you Future Managers

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