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Assessment & Inquiry. Talking  Teaching Any more than Listening  Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment & Inquiry. Talking  Teaching Any more than Listening  Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment & Inquiry

2 Talking  Teaching Any more than Listening  Learning

3 Testing ≠ Assessment

4 What are the goals? What are the goals? What are the differences? What are the differences? Testing of vocabulary is easy Testing of vocabulary is easy Assessing conceptual understanding is more difficult. Assessing conceptual understanding is more difficult. Testing ≠ Assessment


6 The student needs to be able to: ·State it ·Explain it explicitly ·Apply it appropriately ·Reason with it ·Generalize with it ·Integrate it with related concepts

7 What would you want your students to know or be able to do as a result of completing the Galilean Moons Activity?

8 Talk with a partner to identify goals for the GM activity.

9 Share your goals for the GM activity

10 Traditional Testing True/False True/False Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Fill in the blank/short answer Fill in the blank/short answer Matching Matching Essay Essay

11 Authentic Assessment Demonstration of understanding Demonstration of understanding Presentation of findings Presentation of findings Questions for further study Questions for further study Methods and interpretation of analysis Methods and interpretation of analysis Common authentic assessments Common authentic assessments Poems, posters or drawings, etc. Poems, posters or drawings, etc. Are there others? Are there others?

12 How do you reliably assess these assessments Establish assessment criteria Establish assessment criteria Determine expert explanations Determine expert explanations Compare to student work Compare to student work Authentic assessment tools Authentic assessment tools Rubistar Rubistar Field Tested Learning Assessment Guide Field Tested Learning Assessment Guide http://www.flaguide/org http://www.flaguide/org http://www.flaguide/org Flaguide summary slide Flaguide summary slide Flaguide summary slide Flaguide summary slide

13 Assessment Practice Develop an authentic assessment that you could use for student teachers’ Galileo Moons Activity Develop an authentic assessment that you could use for student teachers’ Galileo Moons Activity Share your ideas Share your ideas

14 Sharing of ideas

15 Sharing student teachers’ samples Hard copies from Debra Stork Hard copies from Debra Stork

16 Multiple-Choice Tests · Mathematical Thinking Multiple-Choice Tests · Mathematical Thinking ·TPS ConcepTests· Attitude Survey ·Concept Mapping · Portfolios ·Conceptual Diagnostic Tests ·Interviews· Student Assessment of · Scoring Rubrics Learning Gains (SALG) An Assessment Primer for Introductory Astronomy. Astronomy Education Review, 1(1), 1-24, 2002. G. Brissenden, T.F. Slater, and R. Matheiu. Back

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