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E-learning business models in the UK and partnerships for successful international business Dominic Savage OBE Director General British Educational Suppliers.

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Presentation on theme: "E-learning business models in the UK and partnerships for successful international business Dominic Savage OBE Director General British Educational Suppliers."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-learning business models in the UK and partnerships for successful international business Dominic Savage OBE Director General British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA)

2  1978 – first policy on using computers in UK schools  Early 80s – Microelectronics Education Programme (then NCET, then Becta)  1985 – 1 st BETT


4  1978 – first policy on using computers in UK schools  Early 80s – Microelectronics Education Programme (then NCET, then Becta)  1985 – 1 st BETT  1997/8 – Stevenson report  1998-2009 – major investment in education and ICT

5 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1998- 1999 1999- 2000 2000- 2001 2001- 2002 2002- 2003 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 2006- 2007 102m 104.5m 198.5m 249m 409m 540m 594m 611m 741m £ mill Year Figures include LA matched funding 2007- 2008 833 m 1997 > 2008 ICT spend in England

6 What learners are entitled to Media To have access technology and use it wherever and whenever their learning requires to : Access information on their personal learning goals and progress Use a wide range of online learning resources and collaborative tools to share and work with others In a learning environment which: Provides identical online learning services wherever they are Provides access to formal learning support and teaching when needed


8  Market based on devolution of spending to schools  Some joining together as consortia  LAs and regional broadband consortia can purchase for groups of schools  Managed service providers eg RM are major purchasers  BSF (even in cut-down form) involves joint procurement


10  UK Treasury announcement on 23 May about savings totalling £6.2 billion included:  £80m from closing the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA) and other savings in Department for Education quangos.

11  1978 – first policy on using computers in UK schools  Early 80s – Microelectronics Education Programme (then NCET, then Becta)  1985 – 1 st BETT  1997/8 – Stevenson report  1998-2009 – major investment in education and ICT  2010 - ? Becta scrapped – ‘ICT a matter for schools’

12  UK software/content market likely to decline from £117million to less than £100million  UK market will not go away!  UK suppliers going global – partnerships are flourishing  BETT – 30,000 audience (24,000 UK + 6,000 international)

13 BETT, London, 12-15 January 2011


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