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Be a STAR at Fluency Idol Whitney Imhoff May 26, 2009.

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1 Be a STAR at Fluency Idol Whitney Imhoff May 26, 2009

2 Child Activity Can Teach  Non-Fiction Themes (not always informational) Giggle Poetry  Silly Poems  How to Write Poetry Various Poems & Sayings  Classroom Extras

3 Reflections Journals – Vocabulary Daily Entry (Parent = Left Side) Strategy Tried (at least 3 days) Amount of Time Personal Response (questions, concerns) Response / Feelings (Child = Right Side)

4 Introduction - OAT OAT  Length of Texts Long (literary and informational) 351 – 500 words Short (literary and informational) Up to 350 words

5 Introduction - OAT OAT  Amount of Time 2.5 hours (with breaks) Prove Answers Examine type of questions: short answer/multiple choice Underline key parts and circle question words Read, underline answers, write answers Check each question and answer – finger touch

6 Introduction - OAT OAT  Look at sample tests 

7 Discussion Fluency Texas Education Agency (2002). Fluency: Instructional guidelines and student activities. Readingrockets. Retrieved March 10, 2009, from http://www.reading article3416?theme=print  Provide opportunities to read and reread a range of stories and informational texts by reading on own, with partner, or choral I Read – You Read  Introduce new or difficult words and provide practice reading words before independent reading Vocabulary  Include opportunities to hear range of texts read fluently and with accuracy and expression Inflection changes comprehension  Ideas for home-school connections Data  Encourage periodic timing of reading rate and accuracy Progress – not comparison  Model fluent reading and then reread on own

8 Discussion Strategies  Expression Cards  Fluency Sticks  Bookmark Strategies  Fluency Checklist  Accuracy Backup – beep, beep, beep

9 Parent – Child Activity Journals  Weekly Triangle 3 Things Learned 2 Strategies to Try 1 Self-Challenge Discuss Strategies  Choose 2 Perform Fluency Piece  Child – Choose and practice poem, page in book, saying  Parent – Use Strategies Previous strategies for phonics, vocabulary, fluency Choose how to perform (together, silly, normal, etc…) Inflate microphone to use

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