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Assessment Examples (AE) Review Session K – 12 Program Areas Arts Education, Healthful Living, World Languages.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Examples (AE) Review Session K – 12 Program Areas Arts Education, Healthful Living, World Languages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Examples (AE) Review Session K – 12 Program Areas Arts Education, Healthful Living, World Languages

2 Welcome & Opening Activity With the group, please share: – Your Name – Content Area – School(s) – 2 Stars and a Wish

3 Objective Review and provide feedback to Assessment Examples for: –Arts Education, –Healthful Living, and –World Languages

4 AE Process February 2012 - NCDPI Consultants met with Technical Outreach to Public Schools (TOPS) April - May 2012 - AEs were drafted Late May - early June – Expert Review of Draft AEs Mid-June - TOPS created new drafts July/August - Educators review and provide feedback to new drafts by August 31, 2012 Ongoing - Feedback will be reviewed for revisions

5 Assessment Examples (AEs) AEs are: –aligned to new standards –reinforce teaching the standards to their intended level of deep mastery –illustrate ways in which the standards or part(s) of the standards might be assessed in the classroom

6 Assessment Examples (AEs) AEs are NOT: –Formative Assessment Examples (FA) –Measures of Student Learning (MSLs)

7 Interpretation Key: RBT Knowledge Dimension A.Factual Knowledge B.Conceptual Knowledge C.Procedural Knowledge D.Meta-Cognitive Knowledge RBT KC B2

8 Interpretation Key: RBT Cognitive Process 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create RBT KC B2

9 Item Types AE Item Formats SR: Selected Response BCR: Brief Constructed Response ER: Extended Response PT: Performance Task SR BC R ERPT X

10 ITEM TYPE EXAMPLES SR: Selected Response BCR: Brief Constructed Response ER: Extended Response PT: Performance Task

11 Dance: Selected Response Why is good physical education important for dancers? A. dancers need to wear sports uniforms B. dancers need strength and endurance C. dancers need to know how to play lots of sports D. dancers don’t get any exercise without PE class

12 Theatre Arts: Brief Constructed Response


14 Visual Arts: Extended Response BalanceEmphasisProportionPattern RepetitionUnityHarmonyVarietyRhythm Line Shape Space Color Texture Value Form Select from one of your pieces of art. Use the composition checklist to rate the qualities of this piece. USE: 3 –for outstanding use of this element in this design principle 2- for good use of this element in this design principle 1 –for fair use of this element in this design principle NA –for not relevant to artwork COMPOSITION CHECKLIST – Principles of Design

15 Visual Arts: Extended Response

16 Music: Performance Task

17 [ musical selection with a variety of expressive elements ] Perform the selection. Demonstrate all of the expressive elements presented in the musical selection. Remember to use proper posture, technique, and breath control, when appropriate. Scoring Criteria: 3-(Proficient) performs composition; uses expressive elements; uses fundamental techniques 2-(Sufficient) fulfills 2 of 3 requirements of a level 3 performance 1-(Insufficient) fulfills only 1 of 3 requirements of a level 3 performance 0-(Unacceptable) no response or the performance does not address the task

18 World Languages: Extended Response Research a famous musician from a target culture. Write a short description of the musician’s music and include a description of a similar artist in your own culture. Present to the class using the target language. Provide a sample of both artists’ music in your presentation. Scoring Criteria: 3 – (Proficient) uses details from research; describes music; describes similar artist from own culture; speaks clearly in the target language; includes a sample of music from both musicians 2 – (Sufficient) fulfills 3 or 4 of 5 requirements of a level 3 performance 1 – (Insufficient) fulfills 1 or 2 of 5 requirements of a level 3 performance 0 –(Sufficient) no response or the performance does not address the task

19 World Languages: Performance Task Subject: World Languages Grade: Novice Mid Standard: NM.CLL.3 Use the language to present information to an audience Primary Objective: NM.CLL.3.1 Use memorized words and phrases in presentations on familiar topics such as likes, dislikes, emotions, everyday activities, and immediate surroundings Additional Objective(s): NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciations in voice inflection in spoken presentations Key: RBT KC B3 You are applying for a scholarship to travel to a foreign country. The scholarship requires you to have a basic proficiency in the language of the country. Give a presentation in the target language to introduce yourself. Include the following details: Best school subjects Favorite leisure activities The reason you want to travel Scoring Criteria: 3 – (Proficient) gives 3 personal details; states purpose for travel; uses appropriate pronunciations and voice inflection in the target language 2 – (Sufficient) fulfills 2 of 3 requirements of a level 3 performance 1 – (Insufficient) fulfills only 1 of 3 requirements of a level 3 performance 0 –(Unacceptable) no response or the performance does not address the task

20 Health Education: Performance Task

21 Physical Education: Brief Constructed Response Sport-Related Fitness ComponentsHealth-Related Fitness Components AgilityCardiovascular Endurance BalanceMuscular Strength CoordinationMuscular Endurance PowerFlexibility Reaction TimeBody Composition Speed Select a component from each column in the chart above. List your selections here.1) _____________________2) _________________ Describe the relationship between the chosen components (How do they interact? How are they related?). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Give an activity or sport that is benefited by both components. _______________________________________________________________ How do both components benefit this activity or sport? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scoring Criteria: 3–(Proficient) describes relationship; provides an activity benefited by the components; explains the benefits of each component 2–(Sufficient) fulfills 2 of 3 requirements of a level 3 performance 1-(Insufficient) fulfills only 1 of 3 requirements of a level 3 performance 0-(Unacceptable) no response or the response does not address the prompt

22 AP Review Process Work individually, with a partner or in small groups Read draft APs (on website) Respond to review criteria in online Zoomerang survey and provide additional feedback, if desired

23 AP Review Process Arts Education: Healthful Living: World Languages:

24 Closure Observations/ Trends Classroom implications

25 Curriculum & Instruction K-12 Program Areas Helga Fasciano Section Chief of K-12 Program Areas 919-807-3864 Les Spell Healthful Living Consultant 919-807-3637 Christie Lynch Ebert Arts Education Consultant 919-807-3856 Ann Marie Gunter World Language Consultant 919-807-3865

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