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Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Jesus Is Crucified Lesson 6.

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1 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Jesus Is Crucified Lesson 6

2 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Your Eulogy Have you ever thought about what you would like said at your funeral?

3 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Lesson Outline Introduction A. Power of the Cross B. Lesson Background

4 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Lesson Outline I. Actions and Attitudes (Luke 23:32-38) A. Crucified with Criminals (vv. 32, 33) B. Reacts to Persecutors (v. 34a) C. Robbed of Clothing (v. 34b) D. Mocked by Onlookers (vv. 35-38)

5 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Let’s Talk It Over What are some areas you have been wronged by others in which you should work toward forgiveness instead of revenge? How will you go about doing this?

6 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Lesson Outline II. Taunt and Reactions (Luke 23:39-43) A. Attack (v. 39) B. Rebuke (vv. 40, 41) C. Request (v. 42) D. Promise (v. 43)

7 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Let’s Talk It Over In what ways have you been called on to defend the character and name of Christ? How can you do better in this regard?

8 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Let’s Talk It Over How will you live this day as you hear God’s promise that one day you will be with Him for eternity?

9 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved.

10 Lesson Outline III. Death and Acknowledgment (Luke 23:44-47) A. Cosmic Disruption (vv. 44, 45) B. Confident Death (v. 46) C. Thoughtful Centurion (v. 47)

11 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Crucified at Calvary People from a variety of backgrounds watched as Jesus died. Everyone there saw the same thing: a man being crucified. But each individual or group had a different perspective on the meaning of what happened.

12 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Crucified at Calvary If you could interview some of these witnesses, what do you think they would have to say about the crucifixion of Jesus?

13 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Eyewitness to the Crucifixion a Roman soldier “How was this crucifixion similar to and different from other crucifixions you have seen?”

14 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Eyewitness to the Crucifixion the Roman centurion “What was the atmosphere in Jerusalem?”

15 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Eyewitness to the Crucifixion a Jewish leader “What did you see at Calvary?”

16 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Eyewitness to the Crucifixion a foreign visitor to Jerusalem “Why were you in Jerusalem?”

17 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Eyewitness to the Crucifixion an ordinary Jewish peasant “When did you first hear of Jesus?”

18 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Eyewitness to the Crucifixion a disciple “What were you thinking and feeling as you watched the crucifixion?”

19 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Eyewitness to the Crucifixion the forgiven thief “What did you see at Calvary?”

20 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Eyewitness to the Crucifixion The unrepentant thief “When did you first hear of Jesus?”

21 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Let’s Talk It Over What should be our response to the irony of the death of Jesus?

22 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Let’s Talk It Over In what ways have you seen God working in this world, in your life, and in your church? How can you glorify Him because of the way He has worked in these ways?

23 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Lesson Outline Conclusion A. Carrying Our Cross B. Prayer C. Thought to Remember

24 Copyright © 2008 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Thought to Remember Take up your cross and follow Him.

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