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Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln The Experience and findings from.

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Presentation on theme: "Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln The Experience and findings from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln The Experience and findings from a collaborative research study about the experience of having a mental health crisis.

2 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln Who has been involved in this study? Mental Health Service Users and Carers Clinicians Academics Professional Researchers

3 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln What are the Mental Health Crisis Teams? Why did we need to do this research?

4 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln Where is the study has taken place? Throughout the whole of Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire All 9 CRHT teams These range from Mansfield right over to Boston

5 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln Study Design 2 week census period September 2007 36 semi structured interviews Anonymised demographic data Stratified by gender and locality

6 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln The interviews By 2 trained Service User or carer Researchers At local neutral venues/homes Interviews according to the nine domains from the focus groups Audio taped 45 mins to one hour Debriefing was given

7 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln Findings:What helped Recovery?  Reassurance  Positive relationships (consistency, acceptance, understanding, listening and hearing, non judgemental)  Service user enabled and involved in recovery  Other factors: General practioners practical support access and flexibility

8 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln Findings:What hindered recovery?  Negative attitudes and behaviour  Expectations prior to crisis support  Lack of continuity  Lack of appropriate/organised follow up

9 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln The benefits for service user and carer interviewers? Being involved in an exciting collaborative research venture at all levels Helping to discover what the service users’ experience using the CRHT service Learning new skills Helping journeys of recovery

10 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln Thank you must go to all who have been involved in this study. There are far too many to mention and everyone has been vital but a big thank you must go to all the participants and also the mental health research network, without their support this would not have been possible.

11 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln Contacts Chief Investigator - Becky Shaw – Principal Investigator for Notts – Hugh Middleton Principal Investigator for Lincs – Brian Ferguson

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