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It Starts With a Dream… Bill Johnson 2010 Lilly Conference Office of Life Planning and Personal Development School of HHP University of North Carolina-Greensboro.

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Presentation on theme: "It Starts With a Dream… Bill Johnson 2010 Lilly Conference Office of Life Planning and Personal Development School of HHP University of North Carolina-Greensboro."— Presentation transcript:

1 It Starts With a Dream… Bill Johnson 2010 Lilly Conference Office of Life Planning and Personal Development School of HHP University of North Carolina-Greensboro

2 First Thought… Why did you decide to come to this presentation/session?

3 Free Write Exercise… These thirteen (13) questions will require you to take a few minutes to reflect on your life - right now. After each question, write down the first thoughts that come into your head. You will have only 1 minutes to write down your thoughts for each question (can take more time on each question once you leave). Answers may help provide you with additional insight for the exercises and activities later in this session, as well as provide insight regarding future choices and decisions in life. You will only get out of it what you put in to it!

4 Question #1 What do I enjoy reading, writing, or talking about most?

5 Question #2 What qualities, skills, and talents am I most proud of?

6 Question #3 What makes me feel creative, imaginative, or innovative?

7 Question #4 What do I appreciate most about myself?

8 Question #5 What am I passionate about or what gets me excited?

9 Question #6 What am I thankful for Or grateful for?

10 Question #7 What things are most important to me or what do I value the most?

11 Question #8 What make me happy or what would make me a happier person?

12 Question #9 What can I improve or change about myself that could enhance my life?

13 Question #10 What activity, event, or experience has made me feel good and feel like I make a difference?

14 Question #11 What kind of people do I want to work for or work with on a daily basis?

15 Question #12 What could I do to make the world a better place or make a difference in the world.

16 Question #13 What do I want to happen in my life more than anything else right now?

17 Free Write Evaluation… Do you see any patterns in your answer?

18 “Dream” Philosophy What do you want? What’s stopping you? What are you going to do about it? (and subsequently, How can I help?)

19 Introduction… Life is ALL about your dreams… The Last Lecture short clip

20 Some Kid Dreams

21 My Kid Dream

22 The Dream Killers…

23 Fear of… Failure Disappointment Recognition Success Change Ridicule/Looking Foolish

24 Lack of… Money Time Resources Confidence Imagination Alternatives

25 If I Was Only… Older Younger Richer Smarter Taller Shorter Thinner More Realistic

26 Accomplishing Your Dreams Need… (from Cheryl Richardson) Friends (Supportive, Positive People) Facts (Relevant Information) Faith (Belief in the Process)

27 Dream Digging Exercise

28 Idea Exchange

29 Great Quote It’s not what you know, It’s not who you know, It’s who knows you!

30 Final Thoughts… Create your own dream team, mastermind group, or success group. Find people who will encourage/support you (and your students) as you (and they) pursue your (and their) dreams. Stay away from (or eliminate) negative people! If you need help…ASK! Don’t let your dreams die – or kill the dreams of other people! Keys to success in life: – Making connections – Building positive relationships

31 Thank you for coming today! Contact info Bill Johnson Student Success Coordinator Office of Life Planning and Personal Development 336-207-6795

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