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“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” -September.

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Presentation on theme: "“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” -September."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” -September 1791

2  2 nd Amendment guarantees arms for each citizen simultaneously with the militia (Common sense)

3  In 1813, Kentucky was the first state to have a law regulating guns  1934 National Firearms Act  1938 Federal Firearms Act  The Gun Control Act 1968  1972 The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Legislative and Executive Actions

4  1989 California first state to ban assault weapons  Gun Free School Zones Act 1990  1993 Brady Handgun Prevention Law  1998 revisions made to Brady Bill  2000 Maryland 1 st state with child lock  2004 Federal Assault Weapons Ban Expires

5  United States v. Cruikshank 1876  United States v. Miller 1939  1995 USA V. Lopez  1997 Printz v. United States  2005 Parker v. District of Columbia and Adrian Fenty Judicial Action

6  2 nd Amendment protects the right to own a gun  Self-defense  Symbol of freedom  Laws don’t completely get rid of guns  Moral issue over legal issue

7 (common sense) Self Defense (Common sense)


9  Virginia Tech, Columbine, Red Lake Minnesota  Suicides  Reduce Gun Violence  com/watch?feature=p layer_profilepage&v= raaP5OfRj2E com/watch?feature=p layer_profilepage&v= raaP5OfRj2E

10  National Rifle Association (NRA) anti- gun control  Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence pro- gun control

11  “The Institute for Legislative Action is committed to preserving the right of all law- abiding individuals to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”  Video: eo.aspx?ID=4093508 eo.aspx?ID=4093508

12  Works for federal or state gun laws, regulations, and policies  Adopt awareness with Brady Chapter & Million Mom March  Stand for victims of gun violence  Felons, Mentally Ill, and Youth  ign#p/u/13/REGXR-1ZKXI ign#p/u/13/REGXR-1ZKXI


14 Category Percentage Owning a Firearm Households 42% Individuals 30% Male 47% Female 13% White 33% Nonwhite 18% Republican 41% Independent 27% Democrat 23% Reasons Protection Against Crime 67% Target Shooting 66% Hunting 41% (just facts)


16 (Jost 7)

17  U.S. Department of Justice: roughly 5,340,000 violent crimes were committed in the United States during 2008.

18  District of Columbia vs. Heller (2008)  A group of private gun owners sued DC for passing laws they claimed violated the 2 nd Amendment  DC argued 2 nd Amendment applied only to militias  Supreme Court concluded that:  1. Individual has the right to possess a firearm without being in the militia  2. Allowed to use firearm for traditionally lawful purposes

19  Virginia Tech 2007  32 killed by gunman with history of mental illness  Why allowed to buy a gun?  Led to strengthening of NICS  VA closed gaps (loopholes) between federal and state purchasing laws

20  2010:  AZ, GA, TN, VA allow loaded weapons in bars  18 states already allow this  McDonald vs. Chicago  Ban on handgun ownership unconstitutional

21 “I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms. But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can’t constrain the exercise of that right.”

22  Sponsored 2000 bill to limit purchasing 1 gun a month (didn’t pass)  Keep guns out of inner cities  Problem of morality  Stop corrupt gun dealers from dumping guns into cities  States and local governments should decide gun laws (On the issues)

23  48 hour waiting period  Can’t own a gun if:  Convicted of felony, or crime of violence  Drug addict or drunkard  Mentally unsound  Illegal Alien  Under 18 (can’t buy)  Illegal to buy:  Machine gun, sawedoff shotgun, firearm specially made or adopted for concealment or silent discharge or altered manufacturer's number

24  No waiting period  Can’t own a gun if:  Under 18 w/o parental consent  Convicted felon within 5 yrs. of release or parole  In a penal institution  Illegal to buy:  Machine gun, short-barreled firearm, silencer, armor piercing ammunition, zip gun, explosive weapon

25 NRA



28 laws-banning-sale-possession-handguns

29 Public View on Sales 596/In-U.S.-Record-Low-Support- Stricter-Gun-Laws.aspx

30 Should Guns be Banned 596/In-U.S.-Record-Low-Support- Stricter-Gun-Laws.aspx

31 Support for Gun Rights v. Support for Gun Control 5/poll-state-local-governments- laws-banning-sale-possession- handguns

32  “Open more public land to hunting”  “No frivolous gun lawsuits, no gun licensing”  “Will protect right to bear arms”  2004 Republican Platform (On the issues)

33  “Reauthorize assault weapons ban, close gun show loophole”  “Strengthen gun control to reduce violence”  2004 Democratic Platform (On the issues)

34  “Affirm the right to keep and bear arms”  2008 Party Platform  “Repeal all gun control laws and regulation of weapons”  2000 Party Platform

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