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'promoting the positive aspects of deafness', to 'promote social inclusion' and raise awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "'promoting the positive aspects of deafness', to 'promote social inclusion' and raise awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 'promoting the positive aspects of deafness', to 'promote social inclusion' and raise awareness.

2 Do you know that 15% of the population are deaf to some extent? Out of every 10,000 people, ten will be extremely deaf and 100 will be partially deaf.

3 No ears to pick up the sound Sticky orange wax can block the ear way Burst ear drums Stiff bones No tiny ear bones in the ear at all!


5 Cochlear implant Special hairband

6 Hearing aids

7 Hearing dogs for deaf people

8 Flashing school bell

9 British sign language



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