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Behaving Ethically in the Workplace What Every Employee Needs to Know!

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2 Behaving Ethically in the Workplace What Every Employee Needs to Know!

3 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 As amended, Title VII prohibits discrimination in any aspect of employment and harassment in the workplace based on race, color, age (40 and over), gender, genetic information, pregnancy, religion, disability, national origin, ethnic background, military service, and/or citizenship.

4 REMEMBER: What may be construed as sexual harassment by one person may not offend another. The question to ask yourself is not, “ Would this behavior offend me?”, but, “Is it possible that this conduct will offend a coworker, particularly one of the opposite sex?” Preventing Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment

5 REMEMBER: The victim as well as the harasser may be a man or a woman. The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex. REMEMBER: The harasser can be the victim’s supervisor, an agent of the employer, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or a non-employee. REMEMBER: The victim is anyone who is affected. REMEMBER: The silence of co-workers can perpetuate harassment.

6 Recognizing Harassment  telling stories or jokes  leering, staring, winking or making other suggestive gestures  using terms such as “sweetie”, “honey” or “babe”  making sexual comments and innuendos about a person’s body or appearance, or excessive flirtation  making suggestive sounds or whistling at a person  making quid pro quo sexual demands or threats  following a person or blocking his or her way  jokes or stereotyping about gender specific traits  sexually oriented notes, telephone calls, faxes or e-mails  showing sexually explicit pictures, cartoons, etc.  practical jokes of a sexual nature

7 Recognizing Harassment  hearsay, rumors, gossip  giving unwanted personal gifts such as flowers, love letters, or cards  touching a person’s clothing or hair  leaning over, standing too close to, giving hugs or shoulder rubs to, or brushing up against a person  repeated (unsuccessful) requests for dates  demands or pressures (actual or implied) for sexual favors  continuing to express sexual or romantic interest after being informed the interest is not welcomed  non-sexual gender stereo-typing/gender bias

8 Recognizing Harassment  racial “jokes” or stereotypes  verbal or physical conduct based on an individual’s race, color or national origin  jokes or stereotypes based on an individual’s religion  jokes or stereotypes based on an individual’s pregnancy  offensive remarks based on an individual’s age  jokes or negative comments based on an individual’s disability or perceived disability

9 As an ethical person, you  Obey all safety rules. Immediately report any unsafe conditions to a member of management.  Do not tolerate the presence of alcohol, illegal drugs or the illegal use of legal drugs in the workplace.

10  Tell the truth  Are sincere  Are candid  Play by the rules  Don’t embellish As an ethical person, you:

11  Disclose any potential conflict of interest  To avoid the appearance of being adversely influenced  To maintain objectivity in business dealings  To demonstrate loyalty to JLMI As a professional, you:

12  Avoid  Obtaining outside employment with a company in competition with JLMI  Entering into a financial relationship with a JLMI competitor, client or supplier  Obtaining outside employment that affects your ability to satisfactorily perform the essential functions of your job at JLMI  Divulging confidential JLMI information As a professional, you:

13 As a professional you  Ask yourself: would my co-workers say I speak and act in a professional, ethical manner? Would they describe me as a person with integrity?

14  Understand the importance of ethical behavior in the workplace.  Realize that any kind of unethical behavior is unacceptable on the job. As a professional, you:

15 Behaving Ethically  Your company has developed a strong policy that defines sexual harassment and states that any form of harassment is illegal and will not be tolerated.  Your company has developed a strong ethical conduct policy that defines both standards of conduct and unacceptable activities.  It describes procedures for reporting and investigating harassment.  It describes discipline procedures for harassment violations and the consequences of violating the standards of conduct.  It provides information on how to report harassment.

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