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Liberalism: “It’s No Big Deal???” Part 3. Liberalism Minimizes Sin Sin separates us from GodSin separates us from God –Is 59:1-2; Rom 8:7-10 Liberalism.

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Presentation on theme: "Liberalism: “It’s No Big Deal???” Part 3. Liberalism Minimizes Sin Sin separates us from GodSin separates us from God –Is 59:1-2; Rom 8:7-10 Liberalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liberalism: “It’s No Big Deal???” Part 3

2 Liberalism Minimizes Sin Sin separates us from GodSin separates us from God –Is 59:1-2; Rom 8:7-10 Liberalism tries to redefine or eliminate sinLiberalism tries to redefine or eliminate sin –Is 5:20

3 Liberalism Minimizes Sin OT examples regarding the consequence of sinOT examples regarding the consequence of sin –Adam and Eve were driven out of Paradise, and denied access to the tree of life because of their sin (Genesis 3) –The ancient world was destroyed by a great Flood as a result of the wickedness of the day (Genesis 6-8)

4 Liberalism Minimizes Sin The ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone from heaven because of the abomination of homosexuality (Genesis 19)The ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone from heaven because of the abomination of homosexuality (Genesis 19) Nadab and Abihu were consumed by fire which "went out from the Lord", because they offered up as a part of their worship fire not authorized by God (Leviticus 10)Nadab and Abihu were consumed by fire which "went out from the Lord", because they offered up as a part of their worship fire not authorized by God (Leviticus 10) Israel was sentenced to wander in the wilderness for a generation because they refused to enter Canaan (Numbers 14)Israel was sentenced to wander in the wilderness for a generation because they refused to enter Canaan (Numbers 14)

5 Liberalism Minimizes Sin Moses was not allowed to enter Canaan after he presumptuously disobeyed God by striking the rock at Kadesh (Numbers 20)Moses was not allowed to enter Canaan after he presumptuously disobeyed God by striking the rock at Kadesh (Numbers 20) Israel was defeated in her battle with the small city of Ai as punishment for Achan's disobedience in stealing forbidden treasure (Joshua 7)Israel was defeated in her battle with the small city of Ai as punishment for Achan's disobedience in stealing forbidden treasure (Joshua 7)

6 Liberalism Minimizes Sin –NT examples regarding the consequences of sin Sin leaves us in torment after death (Lk 16:19-31)Sin leaves us in torment after death (Lk 16:19-31) The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23)The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23) Full-grown sin brings forth death (Jam 1:13-15)Full-grown sin brings forth death (Jam 1:13-15) Sinners will spend eternity in the lake of fire (Rev 20:10, 15)Sinners will spend eternity in the lake of fire (Rev 20:10, 15)

7 Liberalism Minimizes Obedience Disobedience provokes God’s AngerDisobedience provokes God’s Anger –Ps 78:10, 40, 56-59; Judges 2:11-15 Disobedience forfeits God’s blessingsDisobedience forfeits God’s blessings –Josh 5:6; Jer. 18:10 Disobedience is a characteristic of the wickedDisobedience is a characteristic of the wicked –Eph 2:1-3; Tit 1:16, 3:3

8 Liberalism Minimizes Obedience Disobedience shall be punishedDisobedience shall be punished –Is. 42:24-25; Heb. 2:2 Examples of disobedience to study on your timeExamples of disobedience to study on your time –Adam & Eve (Gen 3) –Pharoh (Ex 5) –Nadab and Abihu (Lev 10) –Moses (Num 20) –David (2 Sam 11-12:19)

9 Liberalism Minimizes The Word of God Multiple passages to considerMultiple passages to consider –2 Tim 2:15; 3:16-17; Mat 4:4; Rom 15:4; 1 Tim 4:13; Mat 24:35; Jn 15:7; Heb 4:12; 1 Pet 4:11

10 Liberalism Maximizes Self Old Testament verses on prideOld Testament verses on pride –Prov 11:2; 12:15; 16:5,18; 26:12; Jer 13:15 New Testament verses on prideNew Testament verses on pride –Mt 20:26-28; Rom 12:16; 1 Cor 10:12; Gal 6:3; Jam 4:6; 1 Pet 5:5

11 Liberalism Maximizes Feelings (Religious Emotionalism: David E Pratte) Where does God’s word say that feelings will show us right from wrong?Where does God’s word say that feelings will show us right from wrong? –2 Tim 3:16-17 If this approach is good, why do people who use it end up contradicting one another?If this approach is good, why do people who use it end up contradicting one another? –1 Cor 1:10-13

12 Liberalism Maximizes Feelings (Religious Emotionalism: David E Pratte) –Following feelings to guide us in religion results in division, but God condemns division. Therefore, God does not want us to follow our feelings in religion! Jn 17:20-21; 1 Cor 14:33; Eph 4:3-6

13 Liberalism Maximizes Feelings (Religious Emotionalism: David E Pratte) How do you know which feelings come from God and which come from Satan?How do you know which feelings come from God and which come from Satan? –2 Cor 11:13-15; Mt 24:24; 2 Cor 11:3 The Bible expressly teaches us to control our feelings, not vice-versaThe Bible expressly teaches us to control our feelings, not vice-versa –Fear: 2Tim 1:7 “ 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” ( cf. Joshua 1:9; Revelation 2:10 )

14 Liberalism Maximizes Feelings (Religious Emotionalism: David E Pratte) –Anger: Jam 1:19-20 “ 19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (cf. Proverbs 16:32; Matthew 5:22) –Hatred: 1 Jn 3:15 “ 15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. (1 Jn 4:20)

15 Liberalism Maximizes Feelings (Religious Emotionalism: David E Pratte) –Love: 1 Jn 2:15-17 “ 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 Timothy 6:10; 2 Timothy 3:2-4) –Joy: 1 Cor 13:6 “ 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;”

16 Liberalism Maximizes Rationalization The example of SaulThe example of Saul –1 Sam 15…emphasize Vs 3, 9, 15, 22-23, 24-26Vs 3, 9, 15, 22-23, 24-26

17 Liberalism Does Not tremble Before God With awe for His majesty; in reverence of His word; with recognition of His rule; & in worship of His holiness,With awe for His majesty; in reverence of His word; with recognition of His rule; & in worship of His holiness, –Ps 99:1-3; Ps 2:10-12 Although His voice shakes Earth and HeavenAlthough His voice shakes Earth and Heaven –Heb 12:25-26

18 Liberalism Rejects a Sermon Like This Is 30:9-10; 2 Tim 4:1-4Is 30:9-10; 2 Tim 4:1-4

19 Conclusion These things are a big deal to God!These things are a big deal to God! God looks on the one who trembles at His wordGod looks on the one who trembles at His word –Is 66:1-2 Liberalism fails to “tremble” before GodLiberalism fails to “tremble” before God –Heb 12:28-29

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