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Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP® Capacity Simulation and Business Modelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP® Capacity Simulation and Business Modelling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP® Capacity Simulation and Business Modelling

2 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients Capacity Management What is Capacity Management? –Capacity management is critical to managing an effective and efficient business. –It is the process of reviewing and assessing your workcentres capability to produce your customer required products. Why does capacity need managing? –Lack of capacity causes poor customer service by causing Late deliveries Incomplete orders Refused orders –Too much capacity (equipment and personnel) increases the manufacturing costs of the business

3 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients How does SIMCAP® manage capacity? SIMCAP® is a capacity utilisation and modelling tool designed to allow the operational groups within an organisation to interactively review the capacity utilisation of critical workcentres within the business By doing so an organisation can identify the most effective way to deploy it’s resources to meet all customer requirements

4 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients What type of workcentres can you use it on? Critical workcentres may be in any operational area –Production –Laboratories –Dispensing –3 rd party contract manufacturing for critical supplies of key materials from vendors. –Inspection –Equipment based –Manual based

5 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients How does SIMCAP® work? SIMCAP® allows the user to view the utilisation of each of the critical workcentres on screen either as a percent figure Or in graph format Greater than 100% utilisation in red. There is also a user defined setting (set to 80% in the example) that acts as an optimum utilisation warning and changes the graph to yellow Note:

6 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients How does SIMCAP® work? It then identifies the available capacity in the critical workcentres Machines People External contract capacity etc. SIMCAP® modelling works by identifying all items that consume capacity Product demand Trials New product development Preventative maintenance Training Holidays etc. SIMCAP® allows the user to vary these parameters within the modelling process without affecting the current settings within the ERP system or the plant. And calculates the % Utilisation based on these parameters This allows management to view the effect of changes in capacity in real time before committing the plant to the change.

7 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP® obtains this information in two ways: - 1. By downloading it from the business’ ERP system Sources of information 2. By providing direct data entry screens to enter it directly into SIMCAP®’s database.

8 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients Niche ‘Add-on’ application SIMCAP® is designed to work as a niche ‘add-on’ to the business ERP system and as such all data that is hosted within the ERP system can be downloaded. SIMCAP® is also designed to operate as a separate stand alone system. –This means that data not normally managed within the ERP system can be added to the model in SIMCAP® to view the real consumption of capacity. Such items might be the effect of new equipment, trials, validation, retests etc. As an ERP ‘Add-On’ application SIMCAP® allows the user scenario plan the optimum means of utilising capacity without changing the MPS in the ERP system.

9 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP® can scenario plan in 2 phases –Capacity Planning medium term over MPS –Business modellingMPS to 3/5 year business planning SIMCAP® can model in 6 different Time Buckets –DailyWeeklyMonthly –QuarterlyHalf-YearlyYearly SIMCAP’s timescales of operation

10 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP® is an interactive modelling tool and once the data is displayed on screen the user can either reduce the demand in the workcentre or time bucket or increase the available capacity SIMCAP® then allows the impact of these changes to be viewed on the utilisation of the workcentre Niche ‘Add-on’ application

11 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP® simulation variables SIMCAP® allows changes in –Volume –Start and Finish/Due Dates –Shifts available in the workcentres –Machine speeds –Changeover reductions –Run rates –Variation in forecasts –Variation in yields –Variation in potential failure rates

12 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients In addition SIMCAP® allows the impact to be viewed in the upstream and downstream workcentres in the Routing/Process Change Bottleneck workcentre that has been levelled Impact of leveling in Bottelneck workcentre on downstream Laboratory workcentre SIMCAP®’s has an overall process flow view capability

13 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP®’s real time capacity modelling SIMCAP®’s main simulation screen allows the user to 1.Move/alter demand 2.Change shift pattterns 3.Select alternate workcentres 4.Optimise campaigns 5.Aggregate requirements

14 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients Utilisation is updated immediately as soon as changes are made to orders or volumes SIMCAP®’s real time capacity modelling

15 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients While working on the main simulation screen it is possible to view all data, Demand, Graphs & Shift Patterns SIMCAP®’s real time capacity modelling Shift Patterns Changed here and updated immediately

16 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP® tracks changes through simulation SIMCAP® provides a series of management reports that allow you to track the changes that you need to make and to aid in the business decision making process These reports include –MPS performance to optimised campaign size & MOQ –View Optimisation changes during Profiling –Changes carried out to Demand and Shifts per workcentre –Projected Missed MPS due date reports –Personnel and shift pattern changes per department –Under utilised equipment

17 Profile Solutions Ltd. In Partnership with it’s Clients SIMCAP®’s key functionality SIMCAP® provides (out of the box) Automatic aggregation to optimum campaign size by item within a given time period Manual & automatic aggregation by item within a time period Tracking of all master, base and profile data ‘Production User’ to assess the impact of direct/indirect labour changes only Control of elimination of demand via securities Saving and reuse of Profiles Sharing of outputs via multi read only license Real time validation of master data against ERP system

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