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Short History of Internet & e-Commerce Peter S. Vogel, Adjunct Copyright, Peter S. Vogel, 2000-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Short History of Internet & e-Commerce Peter S. Vogel, Adjunct Copyright, Peter S. Vogel, 2000-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short History of Internet & e-Commerce Peter S. Vogel, Adjunct Copyright, Peter S. Vogel, 2000-2008.

2 History of Computing Abacus Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) Charles Babbage (1791-1871)

3 History of Computing 1801 Jacquard’s Loom Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1752-1834) Programmed CardWoven FabricsLoom

4 1st Big Bang >>>1890 Census Dr. Herman Hollerith (1860-1929)

5 Punch Card Machine

6 EAM Card Programmer Calculator

7 Card Plug Board

8 2nd Big Bang >> World War II Invention of Computers


10 Computer Hardware

11 Operating Systems *Windows *Apple X *Unix/Linux *z/VM

12 Software Applications *Office *Quicken *Oracle Database


14 Mainframes

15 Minicomputers

16 Microprocessor

17 Today’s Computers Servers Personal Computers Handhelds

18 Altair

19 Sinclair

20 TRS-80

21 TI 99/4A

22 Apple III

23 3rd Big Bang>> 1981 IBM’s Personal Computer

24 Before IBM PC Two Major Operating Systems 1.Apple Computer 2.CP/M Operating System owned by Digital Research

25 Microsoft v. CPM

26 IBM Plan for the PC Intel microprocessors Control PC market by limiting OS to only IBM built machines using PC-DOS (Disk Operating System) IBM lost control of the Basis Input/Output System (BIOS) Clone market developed – Compaq, HP, etc Microsoft OS ran on Clones in competition with IBM using a version then call MS-DOS

27 Xerox Star

28 Apple Lisa

29 Windows 2.1

30 Windows 3.1

31 Evolution of Windows Xerox Research Labs created GUI (Graphic User Interface) with mouse sold “Star” Xerox licensed Apple the GUI Apple licensed Microsoft GUI for Windows 2.1 Apple sued Microsoft for Windows 3.1 for copyright infringement 9 th Circuit held that GUI cannot be copyrighted

32 Computer Networks File Server(s) with Personal Computers attached Local Area Networks – LAN Wide Area Networks - WAN

33 4th Big Bang>>> 1990s Browser

34 Internet Use in 1995 Client in Amsterdam Former Distributor in SF at Trade Show Injunctive Relief?

35 ARPANET (DARPA) (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork, later Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) 1957 - Sputnik 1962 - $3m grant for time-sharing Local Area Networks (LAN) Personal Computer (PC) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Browsers - Netscape v. Explorer

36 July 4, 1997 Mars -Pathfinder





41 Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis

42 Internet System Consortium

43 Internet Traffic Report

44 Doing Business with Computers Orders by paper or telephone Keypunch Computer generated reports

45 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Specialized software Compatible Systems Relatively costly

46 Law of e-Commerce Uniform Commercial Code E-Sign/UETA Intellectual Property Jurisdiction & Venue Retail – B2C Antitrust- B2B Publishing, Wikis, Blogs Crime and Security Spam, Phishing, Spyware, and VOIP Privacy

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