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Government What type of government does the United States have?

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Presentation on theme: "Government What type of government does the United States have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government What type of government does the United States have?

2 What are the characteristics of a democracy? ► Government by the people ► People have a say ► People choose others to make their laws (an indirect democracy, or a republic or a representative democracy) ► Government is supposed to protect the people’s rights

3 How did the U.S. develop the ideas of democracy? We borrowed ideas from earlier civilizations

4 From Athens ► A direct democracy – all citizens participate

5 From Rome ► A republic – a representative democracy in which people choose others to make their laws ► Codified laws (12 Tables)– written, uniform throughout  Legal Principles – equality under the law; legal precedence (legal record keeping)

6 From England ► Magna Carta (1215) – limited the power of the King; included trial by jury of peers and no taxation without representation ► Petition of Right (1628) – granted the Writ of Habeas Corpus – the right of an imprisoned person to know the charges placed against him and to be granted a trial ► English Bill of Rights (1689) – established that the monarch is not absolute and provided a representative government; restricted powers of government (no standing army, no quartering of troops, trial by jury & taxation only by rep’s)

7 From the Enlightened Philosophers ► John Locke – natural rights to life, liberty & property; social contract - an agreement between the people and the state; if government fails to protect people’s natural rights, the people have the “right to revolution”; government is by the consent of the governed.

8 (Enlightened Philosophers) ► Montesquieu – division of power among branches of government so no one becomes too powerful (checks and balances) ► Rousseau – government by the consent of the governed – power to rule comes from the people (“We the people…) ► Voltaire - wrote against religious intolerance and persecution (basis of freedom of religion and freedom of expression

9 From the American Colonies ► Mayflower Compact (1620)– agreement to obey laws made by the will of the majority – “consent of the governed” – the power to govern comes from the people ► Town Meetings (New England)– free men could participate in elections and decision- making for the good of the community

10 (American Colonies) ► Virginia House of Burgesses (1619) – elected officials made laws to ensure the survival of the colony ► Freedom of the Press – trial of John Peter Zenger (1735) – charged with libel for newspaper articles critical of NY Governor. Decision established basic of freedom of the press as long as what was printed was true.

11 (American Colonies) ► The Great Awakening (1740’s)– religious revival that challenged traditional teachings and practices of the established churches; promoted religious toleration

12 Life in the American Colonies before 1763 ► Self-government  Each colony had a colonial assembly ► Profit from trade (in spite of mercantilism)  Mercantilism – Colony exists to benefit mother country but the Americans continued to trade with other countries (smuggling) ► Salutary Neglect  England allowed the colonies to operate without direct interference (a very lenient parent!)

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