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Chapter One Notes. Section 1: Govt of the People, by the People, for the People -Democratic governments perform necessary functions so citizens can live.

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1 Chapter One Notes

2 Section 1: Govt of the People, by the People, for the People -Democratic governments perform necessary functions so citizens can live together peacefully *Civics- is the study of the rights and duties of citizens. *Government- the ruling authority for a community. -Has the power to make and enforce laws and decisions for its members. They help keep order, settle conflicts, and protect the community.

3 *Thomas Hobbes- was an English political thinker during the 1600s. -He believed that without govt life would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” -Hobbes claimed that human beings naturally compete for territory, resources, and power. -Believed that if each of us could do just as we pleased, fighting would be common and survival would depend on strength and cunning.

4 *Public policy- a course of action to achieve community goals. Passing laws to develop guidelines to follow. *Budget- plan for collecting and spending money.

5 Levels of Government US – National Govt- located in DC- makes and enforces laws for the country. State Govt- makes and enforce laws for the states. Local Govt- closest to the people- they include counties, cities, and towns. -No other form of govt can take action that goes against the national govt.

6 *Dictatorship- a govt controlled by one person or a small group of people. (Cuba) *Democracy- all citizens share in governing and being governed. (US, GB, CAN) -Began in ancient Greece over 2,500 yrs ago. (Athens) There they formed a *direct democracy- where all citizens meet to debate govt matters and vote first hand. *Representative democracy- where the citizens choose a smaller group to represent them, make laws, and govern on their behalf. (US is the oldest representative democracy in the world) *Majority rule- where we abide by what most people want. *Read the first and second paragraph under the Principles of American Democracy. Page 10

7 Section 2: The Path to Citizenship -2 ways to be a citizen: birth and naturalization *Aliens- noncitizens, they can not vote, serve on juries, or work in govt. *Immigrants- people who move here permanently from another country. *Deport- send back to their own country.

8 *Patriotism- love for one’s country. *Terrorism- use of violence by groups against civilians to achieve a political goal. E Pluribus Unum: “Out of many, one”

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