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 a word used in at least three ways in the discussion of government  democratic centralism  direct or participatory democracy  representative democracy.

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2  a word used in at least three ways in the discussion of government  democratic centralism  direct or participatory democracy  representative democracy

3  Authoritarian governments define democracy as - a system that represents the “true interests” of the people, whether or not they directly affect those interests.  The central leadership discusses among themselves and decide on what are the “true interests” of the people.

4  former Soviet Union operated on this theory – the central committee made all economic and political decisions.  In other authoritarian regimes, ruthless dictators, calling themselves democratic based on this concept, conduct the business of the country in the “true interests” of the people.

5  Based on Aristotle’s definition of the “rule of the many.”  Most practical in the Greek city states in which citizenship was extended to all adult male property holders.  These citizens met as a group to decide on issues affecting the polis.

6  New England town meetings.  However, as towns and cites become larger, they are opting for elected representatives to handle the town’s business.

7  initiative and the referendum allow a substantial measure of direct democracy in modern political system.  Initiatives allow voters to place legislative issues directly on the ballot if enough signature are obtained.  This completely bypasses the legislative process in which a proposed bill goes through committee action in both houses.

8  The referendum allows the legislative branch to place a controversial piece of legislation already approved by them on the ballot.  Voters get the opportunity to reject or approve the particular bill.  These two methods allow the voting citizenry a sort of direct democratic participation.

9  representative democracy involves leaders acquiring power by means of a competitive struggle for the people’s vote.  For representative democracy to exist there must be genuine leadership competition.  Sometimes this theory is referred to as the elitist theory of democracy

10  This sort of government is supported by those who feel that in a direct democracy it is impractical for the public to make policy across a vast array of issues.  They believe that people often decide large issued on the basis of fleeting passions. (ex. Propositions in California – will of the people vs. mass hysteria)

11  For the representative democracy to function, it is necessary that there be competing elites and free communications.

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