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Main elements of an Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme:Coast and Hydrography Integrated Correspondence Group on Monitoring 30 March-1 April.

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Presentation on theme: "Main elements of an Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme:Coast and Hydrography Integrated Correspondence Group on Monitoring 30 March-1 April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main elements of an Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme:Coast and Hydrography Integrated Correspondence Group on Monitoring 30 March-1 April (Athens, Greece)

2 Main elements of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme: Hydrography Hydrography: Data on bathymetry, seafloor topography, velocity, wave exposure, turbulence, turbidicity; In data-interpretation: effects of climate change taken into account; To do so, long time series of database is absolute necessity; Particular attention to MPAs, feeding/breeding, other sensitive areas; Methods include satellite data collection, scientific vessels, oceanographic observing systems; Key to concentrate on modeling changes of human activities (EIA/ESA validated with in situ data set (GES: local in short- term).

3 Main elements of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme:Coast Coast: Indicator covers coastal and terrestrial part of coastal zone; Aim to quantify rate and spatial distribution of coastline artificialitsation and to provide better understanding on impacts. Manmade structure categories defined; Key project outcomes on standardization of monitoring techniques, such as PEGASO, MEDINA, MareMed. Inventory needed of the length and location of manmade coastline, surface area reclaimed and impervious surfaces. Space and airborne observations/GIS are available. Min. Years is proposed for man-made structure monitoring and 1X a year for sandy coastline monitoring.

4 Main elements of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme:Hydrography Key outstanding issues: 1.How to address that wave effects are only significant in shallower depths where the sea bottom is affected; 2.How to specify more the definition of large scale constructions that affect hydrographical conditions in light of the above; 3.How to set a baseline for hydrographical conditions, taking into account sensitive areas such as marine protected areas, fish spawning grounds, river mouths, deltas, estuaries etc; 4.How to quantify parameters of area and area of habitat/proportion of the total habitat if that type is expected to be affected; 5.How to put best into use information gathered from carrying capacity analysis (feasibility studies) for different types of planned coastal infrastructures and other possible already existing relevant information (regarding permanent alterations- track record of licensing applications?);

5 Main elements of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme: Coast Key outstanding issues: 1.How to clarify better man-made structure categories, with ensuring inclusivity of the definition of the latter; 2.Assess the added value of having an “additional” positive parameter, such as the “length of coast protected”; 3.Discuss possibility of land-use change related candidate common indicator’s inclusion in the initial phase of the implementation of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme; Address the scale of measuring the length of the coastline.

6 Main elements of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme: Coast and Hydrography Key common outstanding issues: Possible relevant best practices noting that these common indicators are unique to the Mediterranean? How to address assessment links and approaches? Is there a need to list most important common pressures relevant to coast and hydrography common indicators? How to build on existing data and other streams of monitoring and assessment under the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme? How to address specifically the links in between coast and hydrography and biodiversity? Can links between coast and hydrography and pollution indicators be established? Are there links because pollution indicatiors are mainly 'chemistry' whereas coast is 'physical disturbance, concrete, structures'?

7 Contact: United Nations Environment Programme Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan Vassileos Konstantinou 48 Athens 11635 Greece

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