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Passing Econ Along the lexicon Created by Emonie Oglesby Aka The queen.

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Presentation on theme: "Passing Econ Along the lexicon Created by Emonie Oglesby Aka The queen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passing Econ Along the lexicon Created by Emonie Oglesby Aka The queen

2 Goal 1 (delete slide after finished)  1. Proclamation of 1763-  2. Writs of assistance  Electoral college  Factions  Totalitarianism  Charter colony  Shays rebellion  Articles of confederation  Montesquieu  Self-incrimination  Religious pluralism  First great awakening  Favorable balance of trade  Eminent domain  Stamp act congress

3 Goal 1 Writs of Assistance An allowed search for the British to search anything and anywhere for any motive.

4 Goal 2 Popular Sovereignty  People make the government

5 Goal 1 Stamp act congress  A group of colonist that met to oppose against the stamp act

6 Goal 1 Factions  Assembly of people who believe in something but has another group of people who are against what they believe in.  Like the republicans and democrats; one believes government should do almost everything and the other believes that the people should do the things they want and have the governments support.

7 Goal 1 Totalitarianism  Where government is the ruling factor and people have no voice.  Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party

8 Goal 1 Self-incrimination  The act of witnessing to oneself

9 Eminent domain  When the government takes away someone's property for the use of something else.  But the government must pay back what the property is worth

10 Electoral College  A group of electors vote for the president Government didn’t think the people should be able to choose the head of the executive branch so they made the Electoral College Each state has the number of electors as senators

11 Shays Rebellion  Daniel shay was angry that the state of Massachusetts raised taxes and he and a bunch of other farmers where already in debt, so he lead a revolt. The revolt lead to a stronger government and a revision of the articles of confederation.

12 Articles of confederation  An agreement of loose interpretation amongst the 13 colonies or states. Their national rulings)

13 Religious Pluralism  different types of religions

14 First Great awaking  Ministers that leading a Christian act that brought people back to believing in god. This lead to the separation of church and state and people to think about religion on their own.

15 Proclamation of 1763  No one could live beyond the Appalachian Mountain range and it was put under British rule.

16 Favorable balance of trade  A balance of trading and buying to and from other countries

17 Montesquieu  French politician who believed that separation of powers was the best government.

18 Charter Colonies  Colonies established by agreement from the Britain king, colonies that had the right to direct themselves.

19 Proportional Tax  Same percentage pay for everyone

20 Budget Deficit  When government spends more money than they are supposed to

21 Regressive taxes  More income from the less fortunate.( get more money taken away)

22 Revenue  How government makes money Taxes Fines and fees

23 Reprieves  President has the authority to delay a sentence

24 Deficit spending  motive to spend more than the government has, which puts one in debt

25 State of the union address  A speech made by the president to address the status of our country to congress

26 Elastic/ “Necessary and Proper” Clause  Tells congress to make all laws suitable and under the U.S. constitution

27 Censure  Senators or representatives are warned about misbehavior

28 Expulsion  Senator or representative is removed from congress because of distasteful actions.

29 Cloture  A 3/5 th vote in closing a filibuster

30 Goal 2 Whip  A job within a party, that oversees that people in the party vote the way the leader wants them to

31 Writ of habeas Corpus  An arrested person can get their case reviewed by a judge to make sure whatever they got in trouble for is lawful.

32 Bills of attainder  A legislation act that declares someone guilty without a trial.

33 Goal 3  Referendum  Political corruption  County commissioners  Metropolis  Alderman  State vs. Mann  Excise taxes  Emergency management agencies  Corporate income tax  Disposal fees  Tax assessment  Court facilities  Separation of powers  Checks and balances  Incorporation into the constitution

34 Goal 3 Alderman  Member of the city council

35 Goal 3 Corporate Income Tax  Paying a percentage of what you make a year.

36 Goal 3 Court Facilities  A record that holds important records and court dates

37 Goal 3 Disposal Fees  Fees that are paid to the state to help clean up trash.

38 Goal 3 Emergency Management Agencies  Agencies that help, support and protect citizens.

39 Goal 3 Excise Taxes  Taxes on things that are not necessarily needed.

40 Goal 3 Metropolis  Huge Cities

41 Goal 3 Referendum  A public vote for a convention for editing the NC constitution.

42 Goal 3 Separation of Powers  Separation of the three government branches; executive, legislative, judicial to keep from abusing powers.

43 Goal 3 State Vs. Mann  John Mann was taken to court for shooting and wounding for a slave. He was taken to court for battery. The court ruled that unless you owned the slave you had to leave the slave in its condition it came.

44 Goal 4  Plurality Vote  National convention  Delegates  Planks  Canvassing  Precinct  Arbitration  Initiative  Proposition  Political action committee  Impartial jury  Voir dire  Radical  Reactionary  Grassroots

45 Arbitration

46 Goal 4 Arbitration  When the third party makes the legal decision.

47 Canvassing

48 Goal 4 Canvassing  People volunteer to knowledge people about their candidate.

49 Delegates

50 Goal 4 Delegates  Representatives from each state

51 Grassroots

52 Goal 4 Grassroots  Educate, campaign, and encourage people to vote for their candidate.

53 Impartial Jury

54 Goal 4 Impartial Jury  Group of unbiased people

55 Initiative

56 Goal 4 Initiative  Citizens plan to get signatures to force a vote.

57 National Convention

58 Goal 4 National Convention  When representatives from each state meet to choose candidates.

59 Planks

60 Goal 4 Planks  Policies that a party supports to build up its platform.

61 Plurality Vote

62 Goal 4 Plurality Vote  When a party needs to win more than the other side.

63 Political Action Committee

64 Goal 4 Political Action Committees  A group that will support a candidate and make sure they get elected if they involve important issues dealing with Pac.

65 Precinct

66 Goal 4 Precinct  Voting district; area

67 Proposition

68 Goal 4 Propositions  Whether or not people agree or support with a certain rule

69 Radical

70 Goal 4 Radical  Groups holding “extreme” options

71 Reactionary

72 Goal 4 reactionary  Groups that react to their views

73 Voir Dire

74 Goal 4 Voir Dire  Jurors get interrogated by attorneys from both sides.

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