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Beneficial Insects By: Antonio Mesta And Mario Hislop.

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Presentation on theme: "Beneficial Insects By: Antonio Mesta And Mario Hislop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beneficial Insects By: Antonio Mesta And Mario Hislop

2 The ladybug is one of the most popular beneficial insects it feeds on bugs like aphids that are very harmful to farmers crops and are a good alternative to pesticides that can harm the crops Ladybug(Coccinellidae)

3 Food source Ladybugs diet consists of mites pollen water and aphids ladybugs in their small lifetime can eat up to 5000 aphids

4 Lifespan Ladybugs although seeming small and frail live up to a year in the wild

5 Beneficial Ladybugs are beneficial because they eat crop eating bugs like aphids from farmers crop

6 Harmful effects Some harmful things ladybugs do is leaving toxic on animals they also lay hundreds of eggs on their colonies so they can infest an area rather quickly

7 References Alampi, Philip. "Beneficial Insects." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 08 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Aug. 2012.. Jones, Randi. "Ladybug Eggs Picture." Ladybug Eggs Picture. Lady Bug Lady, n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2012.. Touzon, Raul. "Ladybugs." National Geographic. National Geographic, Nov.-Dec. 2009. Web. Aug.-Sept. 2012.. "It's A Bug Eat Bug World!" Beneficial Insects 101. Benefical Insects 101, n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2012..

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