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L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 1 Lecture 10: Software Assets and Text: Ch. 8: Language Anatomy and Ch 9: Families.

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1 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 1 Lecture 10: Software Assets and Text: Ch. 8: Language Anatomy and Ch 9: Families of Languages

2 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 2 Agenda Lecture: Reusable Software Assets Domain Specific Languages: –Types of Information From Chapter 7: “Programming with Models” –Chapter 8: Language Anatomy –Chapter 9: Families of Languages –Break –Defining the Project’s DSL Class Project Q&A

3 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 3 Lecture: Reusable Software Assets Not just implementation assets –Anything that can be reused to develop a new system Requirements Design Implementation Organized and managed –By the DSL and the Reuse Driven Processes

4 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 4 Software Assets Metadata supports each asset –Internal metadata adds useful information to each asset: how to use it, how to integrate with it, other asset specific metadata. –External, usually contextual metadata, including cataloging and architecture metadata. Packaging –Different for different asset types (e.g. requirements, design, test, implementation) Packaging and metadata represent the commonality and variability of each asset. –C/V packaging of implementation assets tailor the asset to its target systems requirements.

5 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 5 C/V Mechanisms of Software Assets C/V of Requirements –Example: multiple choice form C/V of Design –Example: High level generic architecture, and rules its detailed specialization C/V of Implementation –Examples: Reusable assets and instruction to tailor Base classes, derived class examples, and instructions for deriving additional new classes Generic types and instructions to instantiate new types.

6 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 6 Domain Specific Languages From Chapter 7: “Programming with Models” –Types of Information Chapter 8: Language Anatomy Chapter 9: Families of Languages Break: --------------------- Defining the Project DSL

7 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 7 Type of Information in Programming with Models What the model should capture: –Qualities of service models: Performance, capabilities, dependency, etc.: is realized by behavior… –Behavior models: what the software does, hot it interacts with other software, how its parts work together.; is realized by structure… –Structure models: Organization of the software, it’s composition, it’s classes/objects/modules; is realized by artifacts… –Artifact models: describe the development, deployment and execution (operation)

8 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 8 Chapter 8: Language Anatomy We need a formal language (e.g. TCP/IP), not a natural one (e.g. English) A language grammar is made up of semantics (meaning of symbols) and syntax (rules for combining semantic elements) Abstract Syntax: the kinds of elements that make up the language and the rules on how they can be combined. Semantics: the meanings of all the elements. Concrete Syntax: The way a language “appears”, or how it is actually used. (E.g. English is either spoken or written)

9 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 9 Types of Languages Declarative Language: captures assertions and constraints Imperative Language: captures instructions to be executed. Most modeling languages area mix of the two.

10 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 10 Capturing the Grammar Bachus-Naur Form (BNF) – captures rules in equation form. Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - a sort of decision tree for constructing statements in a language. Metamodels – (used to define UML) An OO model of the abstract syntax of a langauge.

11 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 11 Break 15 minutes Domain Specific Languages –… –Defining the Project DSL Class Project –Web Service Basics –Assignments, review #2, assign #3 Discerning Family Members - Domain Definition –Project Submission Guidelines

12 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 12 Defining the Project DSL Needs of the Project DSL Defining a DSL Project DSL –Semantics –Abstract Syntax –Concrete Syntax The PCM Language

13 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 13 Needs of the Project DSL DSL Specific Language (multiple dialects) –DSL in Requirements mode Understandable to both req. analyst and customer/user. Transform problem model to requirements model –DSL in Design mode Transform requirements model to design model Crosse the divide between problem space and solution space –DSL in Implementation Mode Transform design into implementation Must represent variations in engineering concepts as well as application concepts (algorithms, structures, protocols, etc.)

14 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 14 Defining a DSL Define narrative language –Syntax: abstract and concrete –Semantics: Procedures to support –How to apply language a to requirements –How to search for assets via the language –Tracking reusable assets from requirements through implementation according to language –How to archive assets according to language

15 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 15 Class Project Lab: Basic Web Services, second try Review Project Assignment #2: Product Line Processes Assign Project Assignment #3: Project Submission Guidelines Domain Definition and Discerning Family Members

16 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 16 SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol Capture a programmatic interface using an XML variant, called SOAP. –Uses a subset of XML –Also adds to XML to represent behavior –Definition is still evolving, adding: Transaction processing Security

17 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 17 Basic Web Services The Need: A Packaging Mechanism, and the Solution: SOAP/Web Services –Must support variability. Unfortunately, SOAP only supports tailoring and parameterization, but some IDE’s add inheritance and/or generics in the implementation language. –Must support DIAE delivery SOAP supports excellent DIAE’s loose coupling goals.

18 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 18 Class Project: Web Service Intro. Examples will be in Visual Studio, ASP.Net 2.0. –Visual Studio 2005 –File->New->Web Site->ASP.Net Web Service –Most examples in C# (VB also okay)

19 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 19 ASP.Net WebMethods (Web Services) in C# Server Syntax –Add a method to the Service object The one that inherits from: System.Web.Services.WebService Preface with “[WebMethod]” All else, we use the usual C# syntax Set the project as the default project, run in debugger, select the asmx file from the list that appears.

20 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 20 Consuming a Web Service Client syntax, in C# console client –File->New->Project->Console Application Solution: Add to solution –Add a web reference Elect client project Menu: Project->Add Web Reference –Web Services in this Solution: Select and click “Add Reference”

21 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 21 Review Project Assignment #2 Reuse Driven Processes Process Definitions: –Comparing new system requirements to existing assets. –Tracing requirement specs to design assets to implementation assets. –Capturing from a recently completed system development effort new reusable assets, and opportunities for new reusable assets.

22 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 22 Assign Project Assignment #3 Product Line (Generic) Design Use any “ball and stick” or layered drawing technique you like. Show the major components, their relationships to each other and dependencies. Show the Commonality and Variability of the product line.

23 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 23 Project Submission Guidelines Required (all for each team member) –Domain definition –Reuse driven process definitions –Domain Specific Language Optional (one or more for each team member) –Component Implementation(s) –Application Implementation If components are available –Generic Design (including) Product line generic architecture Interface API and DPI of a major component

24 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 24 Another Project Example: Collaborative Systems This is an old collection(s) of components, but a brand new: –Domain definition –Reuse driven processes –Generic Design I’ll develop this in parallel to the class project, as an example in a different domain.

25 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 25 Class Project, so far Produce a reuse driven software development infrastructure: –Schedule (approximate) Domain Definition – week #1 - done Process definition – week #2 - done Generic Design - week #3 - assigned Reusable Assets - week #4 Final Exam & Team Work Session - week #5 Project Presentations - week #6

26 L10 - April 12, 2006copyright Thomas Pole 2003-2006, all rights reserved 26 Questions? For next week: –Read the text through chapter 8, “Language Anatomy” for next week. –Email me your …… then 9:00 PM Monday April 10, 2006.

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