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Confidence Intervals Means. Remember: In sampling distribution of means….. Approximately normal if  n is large ( n 30) – CLT  The population is normal.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidence Intervals Means. Remember: In sampling distribution of means….. Approximately normal if  n is large ( n 30) – CLT  The population is normal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidence Intervals Means

2 Remember: In sampling distribution of means….. Approximately normal if  n is large ( n 30) – CLT  The population is normal

3 So how will I find a confidence intervals for a mean? How is it different from a proportion?

4 Formula for a z-confidence interval:

5 Suppose you work for a consumer advocate agency & want to find the mean repair cost of a washing machine. You randomly select 40 repair costs and find the mean to be $100. The standard deviation is $17.50. construct a 95% interval for the population mean.

6 Find the minimum required sample size if you want to be 95% confident that the sample mean is within 2 units of the population mean if the population standard deviation is 4.8.

7 But what if the sample size is small or the population standard deviation is unknown?

8 We use the t-distribution if the population standard deviation is unknown. It’s bell shaped – centered at 0. Each t-distribution is more spread out than the z-distribution (normal). As the sample size increases, the spread decreases and actually approaches the normal distribution. Based on degrees of freedom (df = n-1)

9 Degrees of freedom: (n-1) Suppose A + B + C + D = 18 Thus there are 3 degrees of freedom Free to be anything

10 The t- distribution compared to the normal distribution In normal sampling but with t-distribution

11 Reading the t-chart

12 The Raman Arches is an Italian restaurant. The manager wants to estimate the average amount a customer spends on lunch. A random sample of 115 customers’ lunch tabs gave a mean of $9.74 with a standard deviation of $2.93. Find and interpret a 90% confidence interval for the average amount spent on lunch by all customers.

13 A sample of 20 students had a test average of 100 with a standard deviation of 4.2 points. Find and interpret a 90% confidence interval for the average test score for all students on this test.

14 A random sample of large tents listed in Consumer Reports: Special Outdoor Issue gave the following prices. Find a 90% confidence interval for the mean price of all such tents. 115110 140135 80110 150210 250120 230130

15 Homework - Worksheet

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