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Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ? Section A.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ? Section A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ? Section A

2 Welcome to the zoo

3 Now Tony , Jenny and Go Go are in the zoo
Now Tony , Jenny and Go Go are in the zoo. They can see some animals and they can hear some animals . What animals can they see ?

4 tiger

5 elephant

6 penguin

7 panda

8 dolphin

9 giraffe

10 lion

11 koala

12 penguin panda tiger elephant dolphin giraffe koala lion

13 Listen and spell it koala elephant tiger dolphin

14 giraffe penguin panda lion

15 1a Unit3 Why do you like koalas? b h d a e f g c 1.tiger _____
Section A 1a Match the words with the animals in the picture. 1.tiger _____ 2.elephant ____ 3.koalas ____ 4.dolphin ____ 5.panda ____ 6.lion _____ 7.penguin _____ 8.giraffe _____ b h d a e f g c

16 1b √ √ √ Listen and check(√)the animals you hear 1a. 1.tiger _____
Section A Match the words with the animals in the picture. 1.tiger _____ 2.elephant ____ 3.koalas ____ 4.dolphin ____ 5.panda ____ 6.lion _____ 7.penguin _____ 8.giraffe _____

17 2a Animals Description words 1.________ a. interesting b. cute koalas
Listen and write the animals you hear. Draw a line from the animals to the description words. Animals Description words 1.________ a. interesting b. cute 2._______ c. fun d. smart koalas dolphins

18 两个表示程度大小的副词,通常放在形容词前。
kind of (有几分) very (非常)

19 He’s very big. He’s kind of big.

20 He’s very young. He’s kind of young.

21 He’s very big. He’s kind of big.

22 2b very dolphins kind of koalas koalas very dolphins dolphins kind of
Listen again and complete the conversation with the words in the box.( You can use some words more than once.) Julia: Let’s see the koalas . (1) Henry : Why do you like ______? (2) Julia: Because they’re ______ cute. (3) Henry : Well, I like __________. (4) Julia: Why do you like _________? (5) Henry: Because they’re _________ (6) interesting. very dolphins kind of koalas koalas very dolphins dolphins kind of

23 Guess :which animal is it ?
Challenge 1 Guess :which animal is it ? A monkey 1. This animal likes to eat bananas . ________ 2.This animal is the largest animal on land .(陆地上) _______ An elephant 3 . This animal is from Africa(非洲) It eats meat . It usually sleeps and relax 20 hours a day _______ A lion 4 . This animal lives only in China It is black and white ______ A panda

24 Guess :which animal is it ?
Challenge 2 Guess :which animal is it ? 5 This animal is big and dangerous . A tiger 6. This animal is very tall . It has a very long neck _______ A giraffe 7. This animal is from Australia and it’s usually on the tree . It sleeps in the day but at night it gets up and eats leaves(树叶) . ________ A koala 8.This animal likes to live in the snow . It can walk and swim ________ A penguin

25 cute 逗人喜爱的/ 漂亮的 fun 有趣的 ugly 丑陋/ 难看的 shy 害羞的/ 胆怯的 friendly 友好的
Do you know the adjectives? cute 逗人喜爱的/ 漂亮的 fun 有趣的 ugly 丑陋/ 难看的 shy 害羞的/ 胆怯的 friendly 友好的 beautiful 美丽的 kind of (old) 有点儿(老) very (old) 很/十分(老)

26 Pairwork 2c Lion (ugly) Penguin (fun) Dolphin (clever) Giraffe
A: What animal do you like (best)? B: I like … A: Why do/don’t you like… B: Because they are /aren’t… Lion (ugly) Penguin (fun) Dolphin (clever) Giraffe (beautiful) Elephant (friendly) Tiger (scary) Panda (shy) Koalas (Cute)

27 B: Why do you like him / her? A:Because he/ she is very/kind of …
A:I like … B: Why do you like him / her? A:Because he/ she is very/kind of … friendly shy ugly cute beautiful smart clever very kind of Bill. Gates

28 Match the animals with the countries

29 Pairwork A: Where are pandas from? B: Pandas are from China. China
South Africa A:_________________________ B: _________________________ A:__________________________ B:__________________________ Australia

30 本课时须掌握下列重点内容: 1.Koala , dolphin , elephant, tiger, lion, Giraffe , penguin, panda 2.Cute ,fun, smart, interesting 3.Why do you like koalas? Because they’re kind of interesting.

31 1. Are animals our friends ?
HOMEWORK: 1. Are animals our friends ? 2. Can some of them help us do many things ? 3. Do we need to protect (保护) them?

32 Good-bye !

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