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Safari Ride Disney World Jacob Brumbach Extra Credit #2 Virtual Field Trip.

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1 Safari Ride Disney World Jacob Brumbach Extra Credit #2 Virtual Field Trip

2 Introduction During my senior year of high school; we went on a class trip to Disney World in Florida. As you may know there is a safari ride in Animal Kingdom. This ride was one of the best rides of the whole trip. All of the animals were very active. I do assume that all of the rivers or streams were man made. Also I assume that some the rocks were imported, but I know for a fact they have still changed since they were first put there.

3 In this mini-cave you can see there is a warthog sleeping. The cave was most likely made from the water dripping through the rock on top until it almost all eroded.

4 Here is a picture of rhino about to walk in the mud. You can also see that the mud has tire tracks on it. If we would cut a square foot of the land down for a mile we would see different layers. The reason we would see different layers is that where the rhino puts foot marks or where the tire tracks will be filled but new mud. So the levels would not be horizontally straight across in our square foot part of the land, but will be a curvy line.

5 Here is a picture of the king of jungle and his women sleeping the day away. I think these rocks are incredible. They might not be natural but I know in the wild they are made naturally and it really amazes me that a rock can be eroded and that animals make use of them. My guess is that these rocks hold some of the heat in from the sun and they are warm for the lions to sleep on.

6 This giraffe is looking for food to eat. The cool geological part of the picture is the ridge in front of him. You can see that the roots are holding the dirt to the ridge because as we know rain and gravity have made the erosion happen. The rain water probably still washes some of the dirt down to the ground the giraffe is on.

7 Here are some pictures of crocodiles. Sorry the picture is blurry, but at this point the truck we were in started moving and I was not done taking pictures. The cool thing about this picture is you can see the rocks have been eroded from the steam. Note how none of the rocks are straight or flat on the sides.

8 Here is one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip. It an adult elephant with its baby. As you can say also in the picture the big rocks sitting there. As you can see they are not flat so they have been eroded by something. Could be from just rain or possibly the elephants scratch their tusks up against the rocks or insects crawl around and help erode them.

9 Conclusion Overall this fake safari ride was amazing. Until I actually looking at the pictures I did not realize how much the environment really changes even in these human run environments. It really did feel like you were in the real wilderness. If you ever visit Disney World I suggest that you go on this safari ride early in the morning and hope the animals are as active as they were for me!

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