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Teaching School can be “FISHY”

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1 Teaching School can be “FISHY”

2 What is the “Fish” Philosophy?
It all started in Seattle, Washington at the Pike Place Fish Market A stinky “fish” place . . .

3 Where people flock because . . .
Of the FISH Philosophy . . .

4 And a stinky job has been turned into fun where the customer benefits too!
So what on earth does this have to do with teachers and students and schools???? Possibly Everything !!! Read on

5 Fish Philosophy Principles
# 1 BE THERE “Be there” for your students and help your students learn to “be there” for you and for each other. . . physically and mentally present!

6 BE THERE . . . Like the fish market We have to remember who the customer is We would not be teachers at all if it were not for the students! Tips for being there: Make eye contact Avoid distractions Focus on the moment Be aware Committed and PRACTICE!

7 More tips from Schools of Fish
“Observe with eyes that honor kids” “Offer dignity in all ways” “A lot of kids face invisible giants every day – anger at home, racism in the home, poverty and their frustration outweighs their skills. The key, when kids fall short, is to keep it together when they can’t.”

8 “Children need models rather than critics.”
- John Ruskin

9 FISH Philosophy Principle #2:
PLAY A big reason Pike Place Fish Market is successful is they have found a way to make a stinky job fun by becoming playful! “Work and play are interdependent, each necessary to create those magic moments where real learning occurs. (Strand, etal ) Students and teachers need to drop the fear barriers and learn to find ways to learn in playful ways not forced to play but free to play.

10 “We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” -Benjamin Franklin

11 “Play is the greatest research.”
-Albert Einstein

12 Points to ponder . . . “How willing are you to experiment with the routines in your classroom or school to make learning more fun and engaging?” “How might it keep students interested?” “How might it keep you, the teacher, interested?” Questions from School of Fish

13 “We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.”

14 The idea is simply . . . “give to give”!
FISH Rule #3: MAKE THEIR DAY This was another simple lesson from the folks at Pike Place that started to find great pleasure and reward in making their customer’s days! The idea is simply “give to give”!

15 So . . . What does this have to do with a classroom?
“It is important to remember that even the simplest of actions can make all the difference.” “When we show others that they are worthy of our respect and concern, we set a tone for our classroom and school that invites everyone to feel included. We create an atmosphere of support and compassion.”

16 “A little kindness from person to person is better than a vast love for all humankind.”
-Richard Dehmel

17 In the classroom . . . the school . . .
Live it! Mean it! Expect it! Practice it! Reinforce it! Commit to it! Make “their” days! And watch them begin to make each others!

Final FISH Principle . . . # 4: CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE The main idea is that you/we the teachers and leaders just like our students get to decide – consciously or not – how we are going to express our attitudes! Sometimes we have to change our reactionary habits and responses.

19 Power to choose . . . Life is not always “roses” for teachers or students It is not a “smiley face” day everyday or every moment! “Choose your attitude asks only that you own your choice and not try to pass it off on something or someone else.” “You control your attitude , not the other way around.”

20 “Everywhere we learn only from those whom we love.”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

21 And remember whether you are selling fish or teaching children . . .
“They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” - Anonymous

22 Challenge Be FISHY!

23 Remember the FISH rules:

24 Credits & Resources P. Strand, J. Christensen, A. Halper (2006) Schools of Fish. Burnsville, MN: ChartHouse International Learning.

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