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Rise of Islam. Do Now (U5D7) January 9, 2014  Complete the Do Now and answer the associated question.  Homework: Complete the Chapter 11, Section 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of Islam. Do Now (U5D7) January 9, 2014  Complete the Do Now and answer the associated question.  Homework: Complete the Chapter 11, Section 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of Islam

2 Do Now (U5D7) January 9, 2014  Complete the Do Now and answer the associated question.  Homework: Complete the Chapter 11, Section 1 homework, which you picked up on your way into class

3  Pivotal Question 1: How did the geographic setting of the Arabian peninsula set the stage for the rise of the Prophet Muhammad?


5 Arabian Peninsula

6 Geographic Setting  Arabian peninsula is mostly desert  Farming is possible through irrigation or in scattered oases  Oasis is fertile area watered by a natural well or spring  600s and 700s  Arab clans occupied Arabia  Nomadic herders called Bedouins  Traveled looking for grazing lands  Bedouins traded with Arabs in oasis towns, one of those towns was called Mecca

7 Bedouin

8 Role of Mecca  Mecca : bustling market town  Centrally located on two caravan routes  Pilgrimage center  Arabs prayed at the Kaaba  Ancient Shrine that Muslims today believe was built by the prophet Abraham  In Muhammad’s time, Kaaba housed statues of many local gods and goddesses

9 Kaaba

10 The Kaaba Today

11 Pivotal Question 2  Pivotal Question 2: How did the Prophet Muhammad influence the development of Islam?

12 Muhammad’s Vision  Muhammad was born in Mecca (circa 570 AD)  Became a successful merchant through caravan trade  Married Khadija, a wealthy widow caravan trader  At 40, Muhammad was troubled by idol worship and ills of society  He went to a desert cave to meditate

13 Submission  While in the cave:  Muhammad heard the voice of the Angel Gabriel calling  Calling him to be a messenger of God  Muhammad was terrified, but his wife, Khadija, encouraged him to accept the call, and became the first convert  Islam means “submission”  Muhammad spend the rest of his life converting people to Islam, and worship Allah, which is Arabic for God

14 The Hijra: A Turning Point  At first, few people listened to Muhammad  Angered Meccan merchants, who believed neglecting idols would disrupt trade  In 622, faced with threats of murder, Muhammad left Mecca for Yathrib, later named Medina, “City of the Prophet”  622 is the first year in the Muslim calendar

15 Hijra: Mecca to Medina

16 The Hijra: A Turning Point  In Medina, Muhammad was welcomed  As a ruler and lawgiver  From Medina, Muslims launched attacks on Meccan caravans and defeated Mecca in battle  In 630, Muhammad returned to Mecca in triumph, where he destroyed the idols in the Kaaba  In 632, Muhammad died  But, his religion continued to expand

17 Pivotal Question 3  What are the main teachings of Islam?

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