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Regional Technical Forum July 8, 2002 Ken Anderson, NW Energy Efficiency Alliance Business Computer Energy Savings EZConserve’s Surveyor Software.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Technical Forum July 8, 2002 Ken Anderson, NW Energy Efficiency Alliance Business Computer Energy Savings EZConserve’s Surveyor Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Technical Forum July 8, 2002 Ken Anderson, NW Energy Efficiency Alliance Business Computer Energy Savings EZConserve’s Surveyor Software

2 Introductions can be tricky

3 Team Approach  EZConserve Inc. (  Energy Efficiency Company  Software Background  Problem Solving  Quantec, LLC (  Evaluation Contractor  Survey Customers and Team Members  Field Verify Software Performance & Energy Savings

4 EZConserve’s First Problem  In 1999 US Businesses used 74 TWh/year of Electricity for Office and Network Equipment  25 to 30 TWh/year for Personal Computers and Displays (Monitors)  If 100% of PCs used Energy Star Power Management and night shut-off, save 12 TWh/year in the US  PNW is 5% of the US--Technical potential savings of 0.6 TWh/year or 68 aMW  Current Alliance project is going after 450,000 units for 9.3 aMW by 2010 in PNW region

5 Surveyor Software Solution  Company-wide power management and remote shut-down for PCs & Displays on a business network  Cost is $10 to $15 per PC depending on volume plus $5 in- house labor for installation, test, and activation  Non-Energy Benefits  Automation eliminates manual reminders and shut-down  IT administrator selects client PCs to shut-down  Night security from hacking  Isolate PCs from virus attack and power outage  Free tool to push other software to client PCs  Monitor the adoption of energy profiles  Automated real-time reports on energy savings and PC usage

6 Energy Savings Methodology Development  Previous studies  Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (LBNL)  Kawamoto 2001  Roberson 2002  Arthur D. Little  Roth 2002  (Summarized other LBNL studies including Webber 2001 which looked at usage patterns of 1,280 computers and 1,458 displays in 11 offices in California and Washington DC)

7 UEC Unit Energy Consumption Equation (kWh/year)  UEC = (SPM X (PA X HA + PL X HL + PO X HO) / 7) X 365 / 1000 +  ((1 – SPM) X PA X (HA + HL) +PO X HO) / 7) X 365 / 1000  where  PA= Average active ON power (Watts)  PL= Average low-power PM (Watts)  PO= Average off power OFF (Watts)  HA= Hours active (hours/week)  HL= Hours low-power (hours/week)  HO= Hours off (hours/week)  SPM= Power-management-enabled rate for computer or monitor (%)

8 Current/Baseline Values for Key Variables ComputerMonitorReference  PA 7065Watts(Roberson-2002-Draft)  PL 9 5Watts(Roberson-2002-Draft)  PO 3 1Watts(Roberson-2002-Draft)  HA 98.4 62.9Hours/week(Roth-2002)  HL 7.2 57.7Hours/week(Roth-2002)  HO 62.4 48.0Hours/week(Roth-2002)  SPM 25%60%(Kawamoto-2001)

9 Surveyor Inputs  InputsPAPLPOHAHLHOSPM  Max, 168 ON Hours7093 168.0 - - 25%  6551 168.0 - - 60%  No Energy Star7093 98.4 7.2 62.4 0%  6551 62.9 57.7 48.0 0%  Current Baseline7093 98.4 7.2 62.4 25%  6551 62.9 57.7 48.0 60%  Surveyor7093 73.4 7.2 87.4 85%  6551 42.9 57.2 68.0 85%  50 ON, Current SPM7093 50.0 10.0 108.0 25%  6551 50.0 10.0 108.0 60%  50 ON, 85% SPM7093 50.0 10.0 108.0 85%  6551 50.0 10.0 108.0 85%

10 Surveyor Savings

11 Surveyor Savings Compared to Competitor Claims  USDOE/EPA test of EZSave for monitors only  DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy  312 monitors  SPM 32% to 95%, After 3 months SPM=85%  Typical savings suggested at 200 kWh/year monitor only  WattSavvy by Blue Owl Technologies  LADWP provides it to residential customers free by web-site  PC and monitor savings suggested at 300 kWh/year

12 Proposal  Propose that the RTF recommend to BPA that they deem the energy savings of the EZConserve Surveyor software product at 200 kWh/year per PC/Display combination ( SPB = 2 years @ $0.05/kWh and $20 per PC)  Propose that the RTF recommend to BPA that the RTF review the Alliance’s final evaluation results of EZConserve Surveyor (due first quarter 2003) and that the deemed savings be revised as necessary at that time.

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