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Management Structure of JP and Roles of JPSC One UN programme

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1 Management Structure of JP and Roles of JPSC One UN programme
JPSC Meeting

2 Presentation Outline JP Management Structure Management Arrangement
Fund Management

3 High Level Committee (HLC) Joint Programme Steering Committee (JPSC)
1. Management Structure High Level Committee (HLC) Joint Programme in Education Joint Programme Steering Committee (JPSC) Convening Agent (CA) Task Force 1 Task Force 2 Task Force 3 Task Force 4 JPC1: Pre- & Elementary Education Participating UN Agencies: UNICEF, UNESCO, WFP, and UNHCR Convening Agent UNICEF JPC2: Adult Literacy & Non-Formal Basic Education Participating UN Agencies: UNESCO, ILO, UNFPA, and UNHCR Convening Agent UNESCO JPC3: Education System Strengthening Participating UN Agencies: UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, and WFP Convening Agent UNESCO JPC4: Secondary Education, TVE & Life Skills Participating UN Agencies: ILO, UNESCO, UNIDO, FAO, UNFPA, and UNHCR Convening Agent UNESCO & ILO Provincial Monitoring/Coordination Team

4 2. Management Arrangement
JP Steering Committee (JPSC) Highest decision-making body; Review and approve JP priorities and allocation of resources; review and approve Annual Workplan (AWP); Oversee and review JP implementation and financial reports Meet twice a year Co-chaired: Fed Sec of Education & UN TWG Co-Chair “Deciding” members are: one rep from each UN Participating Agency & one rep each from participating national government partner; “Observing” members: by invitation- donors; RCO, cross-cutting advisors; CSO representative

5 Inter Agency Working Group (IAWG)
JPC Task Force Responsible for joint implementation of JPC; AWPs; M&E; reporting; Co-chaired: Government & UN Agency Decision making & observing members Inter Agency Working Group (IAWG) It consists of all participating UN agencies in each JPC Provincial Monitoring Team Responsible for M&E and reporting Consists of provincial government representatives, UN staff and CSOs Meet quarterly

6 3. Fund Management Budget execution will follow UN agencies financial system, rules and regulations Agency-specific earmarking discouraged All un-earmarked donor contributions will be channeled to Pakistan One Fund

7 Allocation of Resources
3-1. Un-Earmarked contributions: JPSC will recommend allocation to 4 JPCs to HLC Funds Recommended allocation plan HLC Approved AA (UNDP) JPSC Recommendations JPC 1 Taskforce JPC 2 JPC 3 JPC 4

8 3-2. Earmarked to Education JP: JPSC will prepare allocation to 4 JPCs based on JP Task Force recommendations Funds Recommended Allocation Plan through RCO AA (UNDP) JPSC Recommendations JPC 1 Taskforce JPC 2 JPC 3 JPC 4

9 Taskforce & Inter-Agency Group
3-3. Earmarked at JPC- JPTF prepares allocation plan to JPSC who will instruct Admin Agent to disburse the funds directly to UN agency Funds Instruction through RCO AA (UNDP) JPSC Co-chairs Allocation Plan Funds JPC Taskforce & Inter-Agency Group

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