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Bridge Analysis in GSA Neil Carstairs. Topics  Influence lines  Modelling  Combinations and enveloping  Bridge Analysis in GSA workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridge Analysis in GSA Neil Carstairs. Topics  Influence lines  Modelling  Combinations and enveloping  Bridge Analysis in GSA workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridge Analysis in GSA Neil Carstairs

2 Topics  Influence lines  Modelling  Combinations and enveloping  Bridge Analysis in GSA workshop

3 Influence Lines  Gives effect of moving load at a point  Influence line only gives results for the point chosen  Be selective, use engineering judgement  Don’t look at every point on a beam

4 Support Moment Influence Line

5 Structural Modelling - Definition Distilling informative, clear models from a structure to answer the questions being asked, or to show key structural behaviour.

6 Structural Modelling Manual Available on the SSN Intranet site under Reference - Guidance Notes

7 Modelling  We do not analyse the structure but a mathematical model  The properties and behaviour of the model are chosen by the engineer  Approximations and assumptions must be made to create the model

8 Modelling  There is no such thing as an exact model

9 Modelling  The results of computer analysis are ‘precise’ but not necessarily ‘accurate’  If the model is not carefully chosen the results could be dangerously wrong

10 Before Starting  What needs to be demonstrated?  How simple a model will do this?  What is ignored by this model?  Are these effects significant?  What results will be produced?  Can the results be used?  What happens to the reactions?

11 Preliminary Hand Analysis  Engineer must be able to visualise how he expects the structure to work.  He must have an idea of the magnitude and form of answers before any analysis is done.  Sketch the expected deflected form and do simple hand calculations.

12 Checking Results  Always confirm no warning messages  Look at deflected forms for each basic loadcase and check magnitude  Check sum of reactions against loads  Check restraints and reactions  Compare results with predictions  In case of discrepancy check data again

13 Checking Results  Check member orientation and relative stiffnesses  Check loading  Review modelling assumptions  Review hand analysis. Computer results may show trends not previously recognised

14 Checking Results  If computer results and hand calculations cannot be reconciled seek advice  Never accept the results of a computer analysis without an engineering explanation for the behaviour predicted by the computer

15 Combinations and Enveloping  Keep an eye on permutations  if C1 has 5 permutations and C2 has 6, C1+C2 has 30 (record 500 million).  Enveloping operators: C1max + C2max has one permutation, but loses coexistent effects.  Analysis envelopes retain coexistent effects  Watch it with graphics on envelopes

16 Envelope Options C1 C1max C1signabs

17 GSA Bridge Analysis  See Step-by-Step Guide in Help  3 methods:  Full optimisation for UK/HK highway loading  Lane by lane optimisation for other loads  Direct placing of vehicles on the model  Analysis stages – construction sequence

18 Influence Line Analysis  Influence lines on centreline of each path  Beam forces and displacements  Node displacements and reactions  Combined effects possible  Graphical and tabular output  Influence line lobes tabulated


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