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Chapter 9 Section 3 Sam Houston-surprised a group of Mexicans with 900 men. Killed 630 of Santa Anna’s men, Texas gained independence 1836 becomes President.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 Section 3 Sam Houston-surprised a group of Mexicans with 900 men. Killed 630 of Santa Anna’s men, Texas gained independence 1836 becomes President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 Section 3 Sam Houston-surprised a group of Mexicans with 900 men. Killed 630 of Santa Anna’s men, Texas gained independence 1836 becomes President of Texas Lone Star Republic: New nation of Texas, with an army and navy which is admitted to the USA in 1845 as the 28 th state

2 Chapter 9 Section 4 James Polk: US Pres. Went to war with Mexico, wanted to bring Texas, NM and CA into the US Taylor: General, marched to Rio Grande, blockaded the river from Mexican invasion Treaty of GH: 1848 US got CA,NM, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and Wyoming from Mexico Gadsden Purchase: 1853 Pres. Pierce bought Oregon for 10 million. * complete lower 48

3 Chapter 10 Section 1 Wilmot Proviso: CA, Utah, NM closed to slavery Henry Clay: “Great Compromiser” 1850 Compromise: CA free state and a tougher Fugitive Slave Law JC Calhoun: States’ Rights, opposed to compromise, SC Daniel Webster: National Unity, supported the Compromise Stephen Douglass: For the Compromise, he unbundled each measure Millard Fillmore: Supported Compromise helped get it into law

4 Chapter 10: Section 2 Fugitive Slave Act: no trial by jury, can’t testify on own behalf, if help runaways $1000 fine/6 months in jail, if you help return a slave you get $10.00 Harriet Tubman: Underground Railroad, runaway slave, helped over 300 slaves, 19 trips, $40,000 bounty on her head Harriet Beecher Stowe: wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, portrayed slave owners as evil and cruel, increased tensions

5 Bleeding Kansas:1855, election held, ruffians from Mo. came into Kansas and voted, leads to violence Kansas- Nebraska Act:1854, law that said those 2 territories could decide for themselves about slavery (popular sovereignty) John Brown: Anti-slavery fanatic, God told him to fight against slavery, massacred a town of pro- slavery settlers Harper’s Ferry: Brown led a group who attacked arsenal, took weapons to give to slaves to start a slave uprising Jefferson Davis: Mississippi, becomes president of Confederate States of America

6 Chapter 10 Section 3 Free Soil Party: did not want slavery in new territories Horace Greely: editor of NY Tribune paper, abolitionist, favored violent resistance Franklin Pierce: 1852 Democratic candidate, Whigs split so he is president, elected John C. Fremont: mapped Oregon Trail, led troops against Mexico, ran for president split Know-Nothing Party James Buchanan: Democrat from Pennsylvania, out of country for vote on Kansas-Nebraska Act so had support on both sides, elected president

7 Republican Party: 1854, opponents of slavery, diverse group, united in opposition of Kansas-Nebraska Act, Keep slavery out of the territories, against popular sovereignty

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