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Encountering Mission Theology

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1 Encountering Mission Theology

2 Frame for Discussion Laying the Groundwork
A Theological Approach to Mission Putting it Together

3 Laying the Groundwork: Key Terms
Missions:the specific task of making disciples of all nations Mission: everything the Church does which points towards the Kingdom of God Missio Dei: a comprehensive term encompassing everything God does in relation to the kingdom and everything the church is sent to do on Earth (McIntosh, 2000) Missiology: the formal, academic study of mission

4 Missions, Mission and Missio Dei
Missio Dei: All that the God does to build the Kingdom Mission: What church does for God in the world Missions: Evangelism, discipleship, and church planting

5 Mission Dei and Mission
M i s s i o D e i God People of God Mission

6 Responsibilities of Created Order
Glorify God: Have Dominion: Evangelize: All Believers All People All Creation

7 A Theological Approach to Mission: 4 Questions
How does mission theology fit into theology as a whole? What is the foundation for our theology of mission? What guiding theme provides the orientation to our mission theology? What motifs are important to mission theology?

8 1: How Does Mission Theology Fit into Theology as a Whole?
Theology of God Bible Creation Church Salvation Sustaining Work Theology of Created Theology of Humanity Order Fall/Sin Creation Mandate

9 The Fit of Mission Theology
Theology of God Bible Creation Church Salvation Sustaining Work Mission Theology of Created Theology of Humanity Order Fall/Sin Creation Mandate

10 2: What is the Foundation for Our Theology of Mission?
The Bible alone contains God’s self-revelation It alone has the authority to guide us through the complex questions that face each new generation. It alone provides the general principles on which a theology of mission must be built and the specific instructions given to the Church by God that inform our view of mission today.

11 3: What Guiding Theme Provides the Orientation to Our Mission Theology?
God’s glory and our reflection of his glory through worship are the guiding themes for our mission theology. Those themes find their focus in the tasks the church is commissioned by God to perform. Being sent by God, we are to call people to be reconciled to and come worship the King of Kings while at the same time growing in our own ability to worship him by living lives that best reflect his glory.

12 Guiding Theme Calling those who do not know Christ through the activities of evangelism and church planting; and Growing in our capacity to live God-glorifying lives through the processes of discipleship, and church growth and Reflecting God’s glory to a needy world through living lives of salt and light

13 Guiding Theme Illustrated
Salt and Light Living Discipleship and Church Growth Evangelism and Church Planting Reflecting God’s Glory through Worship Biblical Revelation

14 Question 4: What Motifs Are Important to Mission Theology?
One: The Kingdom of God Two: Jesus Three: Holy Spirit Four: Church Five: Shalom Six: The Return of Jesus

15 Motifs in Mission Theology: David Bosch (1991)
Ascension Resurrection Pentecost Cross Parousia Incarnation Theology of Mission

16 Motifs in Mission Theology: Wilbert Shenk (1999)
Church Holy Spirit World Jesus Eschaton Reign of God

17 Motifs in Mission Theology
Church Holy Spirit Shalom Jesus Reflecting God’s Glory through Worship Kingdom of God Return of Christ Biblical Revelation

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