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Kashatagh may be the only region of “two Armenias” where there are no magnificent villas or foreign cars. As one resident said, there are no rich or poor.

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Presentation on theme: "Kashatagh may be the only region of “two Armenias” where there are no magnificent villas or foreign cars. As one resident said, there are no rich or poor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kashatagh may be the only region of “two Armenias” where there are no magnificent villas or foreign cars. As one resident said, there are no rich or poor here and all are equal.

2 People in Kashatagh raise their food off their land, and they can help those who are hungry. They are hospitable and generous. They make dairy products like cheese and yogurt from milk and then barter the dairy products for various items such as sugar and clothes.

3 Selling dairy products and other locally produced material like meat products is difficult because trading involves going to Bertdzor, or one of the towns in Armenia, and most villagers can’t manage such trips.

4 Contaminated water, contaminated process.

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