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1 K-12: Student Record Exchange Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Dean Reineke (OH) John Brandt (UT) Tom Ogle (MO)

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Presentation on theme: "1 K-12: Student Record Exchange Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Dean Reineke (OH) John Brandt (UT) Tom Ogle (MO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 K-12: Student Record Exchange Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Dean Reineke (OH) John Brandt (UT) Tom Ogle (MO)

2 Dean Reineke -- Ohio 2

3 Background Made possible by 2009 SLDS Grant Worked with LEAs to determine data elements Use of “External” Student Data Exchange Expansion of SIF framework for SRE and other projects Member of MHEC and utilizing their RFP vendor 3 Student Record Exchange: Ohio

4 Status Use by LEAs is currently “optional” How to encourage use – incentives? Benefits Savings for LEA – time and money Improve efficiency and timeliness of student records Beginning development work now Pilot this spring ready for summer 2012 No cost for LEAs through July 1, 2013 4 Student Record Exchange: Ohio

5 Data ODE can have Data ODE cannot have Historical EMIS data

6 John Brandt -- Utah 6

7 UTREx - Utah e-Transcript and Record Exchange The Utah Electronic Transcript and Record Exchange (UTREx) integrates a SIF Capable longitudinal data system with other components, including: - Statewide Student ID management - LEA-to-LEA record exchange - electronic transcript ordering for postsecondary institutions The core component (LEA – SEA reporting) was successfully implemented in October, 2011. The remaining components will be implemented in early 2012. Utah faced significant contractual and scheduling challenges, but prevailed with effective cooperation of SEA staff, LEAs and vendors. Other keys to Utah’s success thus far include a statewide implementation model and tightly choreographed, yet flexible execution. 7 Student Record Exchange: Utah

8 UTREx - Utah e-Transcript and Record Exchange The Utah Electronic Transcript and Record Exchange (UTREx) integrates a SIF Capable longitudinal data system with other components, including: - Statewide Student ID management - LEA-to-LEA record exchange - electronic transcript ordering for postsecondary institutions The core component (LEA – SEA reporting) was successfully implemented in October, 2011. The remaining components will be implemented in early 2012. Utah faced significant contractual and scheduling challenges, but prevailed with effective cooperation of SEA staff, LEAs and vendors. Other keys to Utah’s success thus far include a statewide implementation model and tightly choreographed, yet flexible execution. 8 Student Record Exchange: Utah

9 Improve data submissions from Local Education Agencies (LEAs)to the Utah State Office of Education (USOE) Exchange student records electronically between LEAs in a timely and efficient manner Transfer transcripts electronically from secondary to post- secondary institutions UTRE x - Components Transform student data exchanges into efficient, electronic and standardized processes Improve data quality including accuracy, timeliness, accessibility and integrity

10 UTRE x – Architecture

11 Tom Ogle -- Missouri 11

12 Interstate Overview Identify and share data on students within and between states across all levels of education. Identify and locate individuals who are mobile across states. Locate drop-outs who have relocated to another state. 12 Student Record Exchange: Missouri

13 13 Student Record Exchange: Missouri

14 14 Student Record Exchange: Missouri Search Dashboard

15 Contact Info and Resources: Dean Reineke, John Brandt, Tom Ogle, 15 Student Record Exchange

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