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Alternate sigma factor usage: controls selective transcription

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1 Alternate sigma factor usage: controls selective transcription
Ways to Regulate Transcription Alternate sigma factor usage: controls selective transcription of entire sets of genes vegetative (principal s) s70 +1 צמיחה (16-19 bp) (5-9 bp) TTGACA TATAAT A heat shock +1 s32 (13-15 bp) (5-9 bp) CNCTTGA CCCATNT A +1 nitrogen starvation s60 (6 bp) (5-9 bp) CTGGNA TTGCA A התרגיל ביום חמישי זה – !

2 טרנסקריפציה באוקריוטים



5 The pathway of gene expression

6 Pre-mRNA * microRNAs (miRNA) RNA molecules of about 21–23 nucleotides in length, which regulate gene expression. are processed from primary transcripts known as pri-miRNA.


8 5’UTR 3’UTR

9 בתאי כבד בעכבר

10 PolyA RNA in the nucleus and cytoplasm in two human cell lines


12 Eukaryotic Promoters More complex and diverse than prokaryotic promoters RNA polymerase I promoters Multiple copies of rRNA genes exist RNA polymerase I recognizes only one species-specific promoter Requires a core promoter element and an upstream promoter element RNA polymerase III promoters have variable locations relative to the transcribed gene More attention has been paid to RNA polymerase II promoters because they are involved in the transcription of mRNA

13 RNA polymerase

14 מיקום +1 רמה נמוכה (בזלית) יעילות ותדירות אינטרונים E S RE




18 אין אחידות במיקום וברצפי הבקרה בין גנים שונים.



21 שלבי הטרנסקריפציה Initiation Elongation Termination


23 TATA-Binding Protein (TBP)
Formation of the preinitiation complex (PIC) begins when TBP protein of TFIID binds the TATA box of a promotor DNA binds the concave surface in a sharply bent conformation Double helix is partially unwound and minor groove widens



26 TFII = transcription factor of RNA PolII
ע"מ שRNA פולימראז יצליח להיקשר לאזור הפרומוטר TF צריכים להיקשר.

27 תהליך ה-INITIATION

28 Initiation complex



31 קומפלקס פרה-איניציציה
יציבות ותדירות יצירת קומפלקס זה קובעת את כמות וקצב סינטזת ה-RNA


33 Expanding the functions of RNA polymerase

34 אופן אקטיבציה של טרנסקריפציה בתאים אוקריוטים

35 Stages in Initiation of Transcription
Bacterial transcription Closed complex: holoenzyme+promoter Open complex (DNA melting, not need ATP) Abortive transcripton Productive initiation Transcribe past +9 Sigma dissociates Elongation Eukaryotic transcription Preinitiation complex (PIC) assembly PIC activation (DNA melting, needs ATP) Abortive transcription Productive initiation CTD phosphorylated Promoter clearance Elongation

36 Structure of RNA Polymerase II
RNA polymerase II from yeast has been extensively characterized Contains two large subunits that are homologs of prokaryotic RNA polymerase subunits b and b’ Contains 10 smaller subunits, including homologs of a and r Structural features Thumb DNA-binding channel Channel for single-stranded RNA

37 3-dimensional view of yeast RNA Pol II
Core Holoenzyme Both yeast RNA Pol II and E. coli RNA polymerase core Have a similar shape and have the channel for DNA template. RNA polymerase II from yeast has been extensively characterized Contains two large subunits that are homologs of prokaryotic RNA polymerase subunits b and b’ Contains 10 smaller subunits, including homologs of a and r Structural features - Thumb - DNA-binding channel - Channel for single-stranded RNA

38 Parallels between initiation pathway in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
From Eick et al. (1994) Trends in Genetics 10:

39 Initiation: Assembly of the PIC
TBP component of TFIID binds the TATA box TFIIA and TFIIB bind TFIIF binds RNA polymerase and escorts it to the complex TFIIE and TFIIF complete the PIC

40 initiation

41 Prokaryotes: RNA polymerase Binds to promoter Pulls 2 strands apart
INITIATION Prokaryotes: RNA polymerase Binds to promoter Pulls 2 strands apart Eukaryotes: Transcription initiation complex Transcription factors Proteins Bind to the promoter RNA polymerase

42 Elongation NTPs

43 Elongation

44 RNA polymerase II

45 TERMINATION RNA polymerase meets the terminator
Terminator sequence: AAUAAA RNA polymerase releases from DNA Prokaryotes-releases at termination signal Eukaryotes-releases base pairs after termination signal

46 polyadenylation



49 Initiation, Elongation, and Termination
Helicase activity of TFIIF promotes DNA unwinding Kinase activity of TFIIF phosphorylates RNA polymerase, causing a conformational change in the polymerase that initiates transcription TFIIA, TFIIB, and TFIID (including TBP) remain bound to the promoter to aid in PIC reassembly TFIIH and TFIIE are released Activity of polymerase is enhanced by proteins called elongation factors Termination mechanism is not well understood Polymerase is dephosphorylated and released

50 Enhancers and Silencers
The activities of many promoters in eukaryotes are increased by enhancers and decreased by silencers Can be upstream, downstream, or in the midst of a transcribed gene Activators or repressors can bind to enhancers and silencers to influence RNA polymerase binding to promoters Enhancers and silencers act only in cells that contain the appropriate activator or repressor proteins

51 Transcription at Other Promoters
RNA polymerase II promoters that lack TATA boxes require several of the same transcription factors that initiate transcription from TATA boxes, including TBP Transcription by RNA polymerase I and RNA polymerase III requires different sets of transcription factors, but TBP is required in all cases Studying transcription initiation is difficult because transcription factors are present at very low concentrations

52 TBP is used by all 3 RNA polymerases
TBP is a subunit of an important GTF for each of the 3 RNA polymerases: TBP or TFIID for Pol II SL1 for Pol I TFIIIB for Pol III It does NOT always bind to TATA boxes; promoters for RNA Pol I and Pol III (and even some for Pol II) do not have TATA boxes, but TBP is still used. The GTFs that contain TBP may serve as positioning factors for their respective polymerases.

53 RNA Pol I

54 Signal transduction of Pol I






60 Transcription complex

61 קומפלקס האלונגציה

62 transcription


64 polyA-PolII termination


66 Transcription regulation



69 Upstream control element
Upstream binding factor Transcription associated factor



72 30 ח. אמינו 2-30 אתרי קישור נקשרים למיגור גרוו משמשים כTF ציסטאין היסטידין







79 Gene expression


81 Basics of cell biology:development
Fertilized egg

82 Basics of cell biology:development
Cells differentiation is due to different gene Switches going on and off These cells are different because they express a subset of their 24,000 genes

83 Gene Promoter To specify a new cell: place it in the right environment or

84 EGF Hedgehog Wnt Gene Promoter Retinoic acid FGF HGF To specify a new cell: place it in the right environment or Substitute drugs/proteins for environment Mophogens

85 Chromosome localization in interphase
In interphase, chromosomes appear to be localized to a sub-region of the nucleus.

86 Domain opening is associated with movement to non-hetero-chromatic regions

87 Proposed sequence for activation
1. Open a chromatin domain Relocate away from pericentromeric heterochromatin Establish a locus-wide open chromatin configuration General histone hyperacetylation DNase I sensitivity 2. Activate transcription Local hyperacetylation of histone H3 Promoter activation to initiate and elongate transcription

88 From silenced to open chromatin

89 Movement from hetero- to euchromatin

90 Nucleosoe remodelers and HATs further open chromatin

91 Assembly of preinitiatin complex on open chromatin

92 Transcription factor binding to DNA is inhibited within nucleosomes
Affinity of transcription factor for its binding site on DNA is decreased when the DNA is reconstituted into nucleosomes Extent of inhibition is dependent on: Location of the binding site within the nucleosome. binding sites at the edge are more accessible than the center The type of DNA binding domain. Zn fingers bind more easily than bHLH domains.

93 Stimulate binding of transcription factors to nucleosomes
Cooperative binding of multiple factors. The presence of histone chaperone proteins which can compete H2A/H2B dimers from the octamer. Acetylation of the N-terminal tails of the core histones Nucleosome disruption by ATP-dependent remodeling complexes.

94 Binding of transcription factors can destabilize nucleosomes
Destabilize histone/DNA interactions. Bound transcription factors can thus participate in nucleosome displacement and/or rearrangement. Provides sequence specificity to the formation of DNAse hypersensitive sites. DNAse hypersensitive sites may be nucleosome free regions or factor bound, remodeled nucleosomes which have an increased accessibility to nucleases.

95 Chromatin remodeling ATPases catalyze stable alteration of the nucleosome
II: form a stably remodeled dimer, altered DNAse digestion pattern III: transfer a histone octamer to a different DNA fragment

96 Covalent modification of histone tails
N-ARTKQTARKSTGGKAPRKQLATKAARKSAP...- H3 4 9 10 14 18 23 27 28 N-SGRGKGGKGLGKGGAKRHRKVLRDNIQGIT...- H4 1 5 8 12 16 20 phosphorylation acetylation methylation

97 Yeast SAGA interacting with chromatin

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