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MDHE Transfer and Articulation Liz Valentine, PhD Senior Associate, Academic Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "MDHE Transfer and Articulation Liz Valentine, PhD Senior Associate, Academic Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 MDHE Transfer and Articulation Liz Valentine, PhD Senior Associate, Academic Affairs

2 Credit Transfer Guidelines for Student Transfer and Articulation Among MO Colleges and Universities

3 Seamless Seamless is possible! Takes planning and coordination Types of transfer: High school to institutions of hither education Institution of higher education to institution of higher education

4 Policies and Statutes Dual Credit (DC) Missouri Reverse Transfer (MRT) Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Course Transfer Library Military Veterans

5 Dual Credit Point of Contact – Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Valentine Email: Office: 573-751-1764 onDualCreditJune2015.pdf

6 Dual Credit What is Dual Credit? – College level courses taught by high school instructors to high school students, who are earning both high school and college credit for these courses simultaneously How does DC differ from Dual Enrollment – High school students are enrolled at both the college and the high school and may or may not receive high school credit for the course

7 Dual Credit Cont Post secondary institution points of contact: – DC coordinators – Registrars Use the tools you have/ Institutions websites – Transfer Library – 26 Gen Ed Block courses that are intended to transfer seamlessly

8 Dual Credit Myth Busters 1.DC only transfers to the institution offering the dual credit course 2.There is a limit to how many DC courses may be taken 3.College transcripts of DC courses will be automatically sent to students or can be sent by the high school on behalf of the student 4.If it transfers you are good to go

9 Amy Werner, Reverse Transfer Coordinator

10 Course Transfer Library (CTL) Is mandated by the General Assembly Policy is being developed Processes for including new courses is in development also 26 courses have been approved by the CBHE 16 more in progress

11 In Conclusion 1.Communication is key 2.Knowledge is powerful 3.Seamless transfer is possible 4.Seamless transfer may take some work!

12 Elizabeth Valentine, PhD Senior Associate for Academic Affairs P.O. Box 1469 Jefferson City 65102-1469 Phone 573-751-1764 Fax: (573) 751-6635

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