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Hosted by Mrs. Dempsey 100 200 400 300 400 Earth ’ s Interior Heat TransferCont. DriftSea-Floor Spreading 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Mrs. Dempsey

3 100 200 400 300 400 Earth ’ s Interior Heat TransferCont. DriftSea-Floor Spreading 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Name the layers of the Earth in order from thinnest to thickest Crust, core, mantle

5 1,2 Name the 3 types of heat transfer Conduction, convection, radiation

6 1,3 What type of rock make up the majority of continental crust? Which type of crust, oceanic or continental, is generally older? Granitic

7 1,4 What scientist helped to discover the process of sea-floor spreading? What type of technology was available to him that helped him prove his theory? DD Harry Hess, sonar

8 2,1 What is the main type of rock in oceanic crust? Basalt

9 2,2 How does the density of most Liquids and/or gases substances change when heated? Why? molcules in the substance move apart and make it less dense

10 2,3 The Pacific ocean is shrinking! Explain how this could be happening More oceanic crust is subducting than is beingcreated at mid-ocean ridges

11 2,4 Name 3 plates that interact with the North American plate OldesJuan de Fuca, Pacific, Eurasian, Afican

12 3,1 What layer(s) of the Earth make up the lithosphere? Explain Very uppermost part of the mantle and crust

13 3,2 Describe how convection currents form in a lava lamp? Heat=less dense=rises=cools=increase density=cycle

14 3,3 Name and explain 3 pieces of evidence that supported Wegener ’ s hypothesis Matching coastlines, fossils/climate, land feature

15 3,4 What type of boundary formed Iceland? Name the 2 plates Divergent (C-C)

16 4,1 Name 3 island arcs formed by the Ring of Fire

17 4,2 Besides from the sun, name 2 other examples of radiation Heat from stove, heat from fire

18 4,3 Name two continents that lie on the equator S. America,Africa

19 4,4 Name one actual place here on the N. American plate, formed by each type of plate boundary DD San Andreas Fault(T) / Cascades (C) /Mid-Atlantic Ridge(D)

20 5,1 How do we know what the interior of the Earth is like? Seismic waves, age of rock on ocean floor

21 5,2 Name 2 ways heat transfer is happening to you right now. Conduction from body heat, heat is radiating from heater

22 5,3 Why was Wegener ’ s hypothesis rejected? Could not explain what force pushed and/or pulled the continents

23 5,4 Name one feature that occurs at each of the 3 plate boundaries Mountains, valleys, trenches, islands, volcanoes

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