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Jeopardy Mapping Skills Topographic maps Climate Factors Landform Regions Vegetation Regions Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Mapping Skills Topographic maps Climate Factors Landform Regions Vegetation Regions Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Mapping Skills Topographic maps Climate Factors Landform Regions Vegetation Regions Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Mapping Skills Opposite of East South East

4 $100 Answer from Mapping Skills West North West

5 $200 Question from Mapping Skills Name of 0 ° Latitude

6 $200 Answer from Mapping Skills Equator

7 $300 Question from Mapping Skills Name of 0 ° Longitude

8 $300 Answer from Mapping Skills Prime Meridian

9 $400 Question from Mapping Skills Height of this hill 60 20

10 $400 Answer from Mapping Skills 120 Meters

11 $500 Question from Mapping Skills 6 key features of a Map

12 $500 Answer from Mapping Skills Border, Date of Publication, Legend, Title, Scale, Direction

13 $100 Question from Topographical Maps Uses colours to represent large features

14 $100 Answer from Topographical Maps Area Symbols

15 $200 Question from Topographical Maps Simple picture or icon to show the Location of a place or service

16 $200 Answer from Topographical Maps Point Symbol

17 $300 Question from Topographical Maps Represented by this symbol: 

18 $300 Answer from Topographic Maps Bridge

19 $400 Question from Topographic Maps Indicated by the colour brown

20 $400 Answer from Topographic Maps Contour Lines

21 $500 Question from Topographic Maps Direction contour lines “V” at a stream or river

22 $500 Answer from Topographic Maps Upstream

23 $100 Question from Climate Factors Type of precipitation that develops when warm moist air is forced up the windward side of a mountain

24 $100 Answer from Climate Factors Relief Precipitation

25 $200 Question from Climate Factors Type of precipitation that happens when a cold front meets a warm front

26 $200 Answer from Climate Factors Cyclonic

27 $300 Question from Climate Factors Effect that happens to the temperature when near large bodies of water

28 $300 Answer from Climate Factors Moderating

29 $400 Question from Climate Factors ___________ is what happens day to day in the atmosphere and _____________ is the long term trend In an area in terms of temperature and precipitation

30 $400 Answer from Climate Factors Weather, Climate

31 $500 Question from Climate Factors 6 Climate Factors

32 $500 Answer from Climate Factors Latitude Ocean Currents Wind Elevation Relief Near Water

33 $100 Question from Landform Regions Hardest type of Rock

34 $100 Answer from Landform Regions Igneous

35 $200 Question from Landform Regions Created when any type of rock heats and melts

36 $200 Answer from Landform Regions magma

37 $300 Question from Landform Regions Continental plates move away from each other

38 $300 Answer from Landform Regions Separating or Divergent

39 $400 Question from Landform Regions Largest and oldest landform region

40 $400 Answer from Landform Regions Canadian Sheild

41 $500 Question from Landform Regions Type of rock that forms under intense heat and pressure

42 $500 Answer from Landform Regions Metamorphic

43 $100 Question from Vegetation Regions Vegetation Region with lots of grass and very little trees

44 $100 Answer from Vegetation Regions Grassland

45 $200 Question from Vegetation Regions Vegetation region covered with lichens, mosses and small shrubs

46 $200 Answer from Vegetation Regions Tundra

47 $300 Question from Vegetation Regions Excess amount of water in the soil

48 $300 Answer from Vegetation Regions leaching

49 $400 Question from Vegetation Regions Vegetation Region with both Coniferous and Deciduous trees

50 $400 Answer from Vegetation Regions Boreal and Taiga Forest Or Mixed Forest

51 $500 Question from Vegetation Regions Vegetation Region with long grass and clumps of trees

52 $500 Answer from Vegetation Regions Parkland

53 Final Jeopardy

54 Final Jeopardy Answer

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