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Categories Jeopardy 500 400 300 200 100 Utah “Grab Bag” Trappers and Explorers American Indians Loved the Land Early People Lived Here Natural Utah.

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2 Categories Jeopardy

3 500 400 300 200 100 Utah “Grab Bag” Trappers and Explorers American Indians Loved the Land Early People Lived Here Natural Utah

4 What region of the United States do you live in? Natural Utah 100 Points

5 The West

6 This land formation is a high, wide, flat area that often ends with a steep cliffs. They look like tables, what are they called?

7 Plateau

8 What is the name of this famous arch?

9 Delicate Arch

10 What is one cause that proves that Utah’s land is still changing? (Hint: It is a natural disaster)

11 Earthquakes

12 Name the 5 National Parks in Utah

13 Bryce Canyon, Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, Capital Reef

14 What does the word “History” mean? Early People Lived Here 100 Points

15 What happened in the past

16 What kinds of things do we have to prove that American Indians lived here since they did not have a formal written language?

17 Petra glyphs, Artifacts from their time

18 What is this called and why?

19 It is called Newspaper Rock because it told stories of what was happening.

20 What is a nomadic hunter?

21 Someone who traveled around following the animals they were hunting.

22 What was the name of the weapon the desert gatherers invented to help them hunt?

23 Atlatl

24 What interesting way did the Paiutes use to get an animal out of it’s burrow? American Indians 100 Points

25 They would stick a hook in the hole and hook the animal.

26 What was the name of a Navajo home and which way did it fac e?

27 It was called a Hogan and it faced East toward the rising sun.

28 What was the Piute home the “wiki- up” made of?

29 Branches and Brush

30 Why didn’t American Indians dug up the land in the springtime?

31 They believed that it was just like a newborn child and brand new at the time and should not be destroyed.

32 Name the 5 Native Indian groups that lived in Utah

33 Goshutes, Piutes, Utes, Shoshones, and Navajos

34 What were the names of the two men sent to find a route from Sante Fe, NM to Monterey, CA? Trappers and Explorers 100 Points

35 Fathers Dominguez and Escalante

36 Why was the beaver an important animal in Utah at the time of trappers and explorers?

37 The beaver was in high demand because people wanted to wear beaver hats and clothing to stay warm so they were worth a lot of money to those who hunted them.

38 Why did the Trappers and American Indians not always get along?

39 The trappers were entering American Indian land without permission to hunt.

40 What was the name of the Utah explorer who was born a slave in Virginia?

41 James Beckwourth

42 Explain what a Rendezvous is and why it was important to the trappers.

43 A rendezvous is a place where trappers would go once a year to sell their furs and buy supplies for the entire year.

44 What is the state capital of Utah? Utah Grab Bag 100 Points

45 Salt Lake City

46 What is the name of the mountain range that you can see?

47 Wasatch Front

48 What is the name of the largest body of water in Utah?

49 The Great Salt Lake

50 Locate Utah on this map


52 Name at least 3 counties in the state of Utah


54 Good Job You Made IT!

55 The Daily Double

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