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Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.1 – How organisms obtain energy

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.1 – How organisms obtain energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.1 – How organisms obtain energy Energy represents the capacity to do work. Cells must acquire energy from their environment. In life, energy transformations consist primarily of movement of molecules and changes in chemical bonds. Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that happen in living organisms to maintain life 2 Types Catabolism Releasing energy by breaking down of larger molecules into smaller ones Digestion Anabolism Storing energy by creating larger molecules from smaller ones. Creating body fat

2 8.1 – How organisms obtain energy
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.1 – How organisms obtain energy All living cells use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for capture, transfer, and storage of energy. Each cell needs millions of ATP molecules per second in order to drive its biochemical machinery

3 Autotrophs Heterotrophs
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.1 – How organisms obtain energy Autotrophs are able to create glucose from inorganic substances. That glucose is broken down to form ATP molecules Heterotrophs obtain glucose from digesting other living things. That glucose is broken down to form ATP molecules Autotrophs Heterotrophs

4 Carbon Dioxide + Water Light Glucose + Oxygen
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis The story of how living things make ATP starts with… Carbon Dioxide + Water Light Glucose + Oxygen 6 CO2 + 6 H2O Light C6H12O6 + 6 O2

5 Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis

6 Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis 3PGA Glucose The light reactions (in the thylakoids) split water, release O2, produce ATP, and form NADPH The Calvin cycle (in the stroma) forms sugar from CO2, using ATP and NADPH The Calvin cycle begins with carbon fixation, incorporating CO2 into organic molecules

7 8.2 – Photosynthesis Ch.8 – Cellular Energy Light Reaction Movie
Red light is very important to plant reproduction. Phytochrome pigments absorb the red and far red portions of the light spectrum and regulate seed germination, root development, tuber and bulb formation, dormancy, flowering and fruit production. Therefore, red light is essential for stimulation of flowering and fruiting.   Blue light stimulates Chlorophyll production more than any other colour, encouraging thick leaves, strong stems and compact vegetative growth. Chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light and transmits the energy to a pigment-based electron transport chain. The energy is ultimately used to produce high-energy chemical bonds that can be used for a range of biochemical transformations, including fixation of carbon-dioxide into sugars. Carotenoids, the yellow-orange pigment in plants, absorb blue light and control leaf fall and fruit ripening. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) absorbs violet light and influences "phototropism", the movement of plant foliage in response to light.

8 Light energy is used to split an H2O molecule When H2O splits
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis Photosystem II Light energy is used to split an H2O molecule When H2O splits O2 is released protons (H+ ions) stay in the thylakoid space & an activated electron enters the electron transport chain.

9 Electron Transport Chain
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis Electron Transport Chain Electrons are moved through the thlakoid membrane and more protons are pumped into the thylakoid space

10 Light reenergizes the electrons
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis Photosystem I Light reenergizes the electrons The reenergized electon is transferred to NADP+ Reductase to form an NADPH from NADP+

11 8.2 – Photosynthesis Chemiosmosis
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis Chemiosmosis Protons build up in the thylakoid space and create a concentration gradient Protons then move across the thylakoid membrane through ATP synthase which causes ADP to convert to ATP Light Reactions Animation

12 Light Independent or Calvin Cycle
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis What is the basic formula of photosynthesis? How did plants acquire photosynthesis in evolution? Name three features of chloroplasts that are indicative of their origin. (It is referred to as endosymbiosis or the endosymbiotic theory) Click Photosynthesis can be divided in two different processes. What are these processes? What are their products and reactants? Oxygen is released during photosynthetic light reactions. Where is this oxygen coming from? Name Reactants Products Light Dependant Light & H2O (NADP+ & ADP) O2 (NADPH & ATP) Light Independent or Calvin Cycle CO2 Glucose The splitting of H2O in Photosystem II

13 Energized e- are transferred to the enzyme NADP+ Reductase
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis Outside There is a much higher concentration of H+ ions in the thylakoid. This creates an acidic environment and thus a lower pH than in the stroma of the chloroplasts What is the driving force for ATP synthesis at the ATP synthase multi-protein complex? Where do you find a higher pH value, inside or outside of the thylakoid? 7. Which process creates NADPH from NADP+? The proton concentration gradient created by splitting water and the electron transport chain Photosystem I Energized e- are transferred to the enzyme NADP+ Reductase

14 Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis

15 The Calvin Cycle (light independent reactions or the dark reactions)
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis The Calvin Cycle (light independent reactions or the dark reactions) 3PGA Glucose

16 3 CO2 combine with 3 5-C compounds to form 6 3-C compounds called
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis Carbon Fixation 3 CO2 combine with 3 5-C compounds to form 6 3-C compounds called 3-PGA

17 Energy from ATP and NADPH is used to form
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis Reduction Energy from ATP and NADPH is used to form 6 G3P molecules (high energy molecules) From the 6 PGA molecules 1 G3P molecule leaves the cycle to form glucose, fructose starches, etc.

18 ATP and the enzyme rubisco convert the 5 G3P to 3 RuBP
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.2 – Photosynthesis Regeneration ATP and the enzyme rubisco convert the 5 G3P to 3 RuBP These molecules are then ready to bond with 3 more CO2 Calvin Cycle Animation

19 Cellular Respiration 8.3 - Cellular respiration Aerobic Respiration
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration Cellular Respiration Aerobic Respiration requires O2 to make ATP from the energy stored in glucose Glucose + Oxygen  Energy + Carbon Dioxide + Water C6H12O6 + 6 O2  36/38 ATP + 6 CO2 + 6 H2O

20 8.3 - Cellular respiration
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration

21 Electron Transport Chain Oxidative phosphorylation
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration The 3 Processes of cellular respiration O2 2 3 1 Electron Transport Chain Oxidative phosphorylation or Krebs Cycle H2O CO2 32 Or 34 2 2

22 Glycolysis Net ATP = 2 8.3 - Cellular respiration
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration Glycolysis (“splitting of sugar”) breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm and has two major phases: -Energy investment phase -Energy payoff phase Net ATP = 2

23 It takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle Before the citric acid cycle can begin, pyruvate must be converted to Acetyl CoA It takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria

24 forming citric acid (citrate)
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle The acetyl group of acetyl CoA joins the cycle by combining with the 4-C compound, oxaloacetate, forming citric acid (citrate)

25 The next seven steps decompose the citrate back to oxaloacetate
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle The next seven steps decompose the citrate back to oxaloacetate The NADH and FADH2 produced by the cycle send electrons to the electron transport chain

26 8.3 - Cellular respiration
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration e- from NADH & FADH2 pass through protein complexes in the cristae (inner membrane) This causes H+ to be pumped out of the matrix

27 8.3 - Cellular respiration
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration To give you an idea of how much ATP we require to survive… We take in about 2 x 1020 molecules of O2 per breath 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 O2 diffuses into the matrix and bonds with the e- passing through the transport chain. H+ diffuses through ATP synthase back into the matrix (chemiosmosis) creating ATP (phosphorilation)

28 Anaerobic Respiration or
Ch.8 – Cellular Energy 8.3 - Cellular respiration Making energy when there is no oxygen Anaerobic Respiration or Fermentation It is essentially a cell just relying on glycolysis for its energy needs Only produces 2 ATP per glucose molecule (not the 36 or 38 that aerobic respiration can create) Other molecules are created through reactions that provide the NAD+ needed for glycolysis to occur ATP can be created much faster than with aerobic respiration (just in smaller quantities)

29 Lactic Acid Alcoholic Fermentation Fermentation -O Glucose 2 ATP 4 ATP
2 Pyruvic Acids CH3-C-C-OH =O -O Lactic Acid Fermentation Alcoholic Fermentation CO2 2 Acetylaldehydes CH3-CH -O 2 Lactic Acids CH3-CH-C-OH -OH =O 2 Ethanols CH3-CH2-OH

30 Used by some fungi and bacteria & is used to make cheese and yogurt
Glucose 2 ATP 4 ATP 2 Pyruvic Acids CH3-C-C-OH =O -O Lactic Acid Fermentation Used by some fungi and bacteria & is used to make cheese and yogurt Human muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation to generate ATP when O2 is scarce 2 Lactic Acids CH3-CH-C-OH -OH =O

31 Used by some fungi and bacteria & is used to make cheese and yogurt
Glucose 2 ATP 4 ATP 2 Pyruvic Acids CH3-C-C-OH =O -O Lactic Acid Fermentation Used by some fungi and bacteria & is used to make cheese and yogurt Human muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation to generate ATP when O2 is scarce 2 Lactic Acids CH3-CH-C-OH -OH =O

32 Alcoholic Fermentation
Glucose 2ATP 4ATP 2 Pyruvic Acids CH3-C-C-OH =O -O Alcoholic Fermentation Used by yeast and some bacteria & is used in brewing, winemaking, and baking CO2 2 Acetylaldehydes CH3-CH -O 2 Ethanols CH3-CH2-OH

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