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Dr. Lelisa J. Teodosio Aklan State University Banga, Aklan, Philippines Co-Researchers: Dr. Geronimo L. Gregorio, Dr. Elsa I. Abayon, Dr. Cora F. Navarra,

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Lelisa J. Teodosio Aklan State University Banga, Aklan, Philippines Co-Researchers: Dr. Geronimo L. Gregorio, Dr. Elsa I. Abayon, Dr. Cora F. Navarra,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Lelisa J. Teodosio Aklan State University Banga, Aklan, Philippines Co-Researchers: Dr. Geronimo L. Gregorio, Dr. Elsa I. Abayon, Dr. Cora F. Navarra, Dr. Vicente J. Gallardo and Dr. Malco M. Teodosio Field Evaluation of Tissue- Cultured Spanish Red Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) Applied with Different Cultural Practices

2 Research Sub-studies Sub-study 1 - Growth and Fiber Yield of Tissue- Cultured Spanish Red Pineapple Grown from Medium Fortified with Various Levels of BAP and Degrees of Shading Sub-study 2 - Field Performance of Tissue- Cultured Spanish Red Pineapple Grown from Various Planting Materials Applied with Different Rates of NPK


4 Significance of the Research Farmer-grower Piña Players Researchers Stakeholders from other industries

5 Growth and Fiber Yield of Tissue-Cultured Spanish Red Pineapple Grown from Medium Fortified with Various Levels of BAP and Degrees of Shading Study 1

6 Objectives Determine the effect of different concentrations of BAP during seedling production and various degrees of shading on the growth and fiber yield of TCSRP under field conditions. Find out the interaction effect between the two factors. Calculate the economic return of producing the piña fibers.

7 Experimental Treatments Factor A (BAP Levels)Factor B (Degree of Shading) A 1 – 3 ppmB 1 – control A 2 – 5 ppmB 2 – 25% A 3 – 7 ppmB 3 – 50% A 4 – 10 ppmB 4 – 75%


9 Findings of the Study Degree of Shading (%) BAP Level Mean ns 3 ppm5 ppm7 ppm10 ppm Control17.06 a 10.56 c 16.64 ab 14.84 abc 14.78 2516.90 a 11.71 a 13.68 a 11.00 a 13.32 50 14.13 ab 15.76 a 10.65 b 13.63 ab 13.54 7517.55 a 11.86 a 9.50 b 10.78 b 12.42 MEAN * 16.41 a 12.47 b 12.62 b 12.56 b 13.52 Table 1. Mean number of months from planting to maturity of tissue- cultured SR pineapple as influenced by various levels of BAP and degrees of shading. CV (a) = 18.94; CV (b) = 16.63

10 Findings of the Study Degree of Shading (%) BAP Level Mean ns 3 ppm5 ppm7 ppm10 ppm Control131.61109.33138.38126.33126.41 25137.17130.00126.89124.61129.67 50120.39109.28115.90128.61118.54 75128.83106.42113.3394.07110.66 MEAN * 129.50 a 113.76 b 123.63 ab 118.41 b 121.32 Table 2.Mean plant height (cm) at harvest of tissue-cultured SR pineapple as influenced by various levels of BAP and degrees of shading. CV (a) = 7.90; CV (b) = 19.60

11 Findings of the Study Degree of Shading (%) BAP Level Mean ns 3 ppm5 ppm7 ppm10 ppm Control52.0042.0050.3350.0048.58 2550.3448.0046.3342.0046.67 5045.6650.0051.6749.3349.16 7555.3347.3446.0040.0047.17 MEAN * 50.83 a 46.84 b 48.58 ab 45.33 b 47.90 Table 3.Mean number of leaves produced per plant at harvest by tissue-cultured SR pineapple as influenced by various levels of BAP and degrees of shading. CV (a) = 11.20; CV (b) = 19.30

12 Findings of the Study Degree of Shading (%) BAP Level Mean * 3 ppm5 ppm7 ppm10 ppm Control35.00 a/a 24.33 a/c 34.00 a/ab 29.67 a/ab 30.75 a 25 30.67 ab/a 24.33 a/ab 25.00 b/ab 22.00 b/b 25.50 c 5026.33 a/a 29.33 a/a 28.67 ab/a 30.00 a/a 28.58 ab 7535.00 a/a 24.67 a/b 23.67 a/b 22.33 b/b 26.42 bc MEAN ** 31.75 a 25.67 d 27.83 b 26.00 bc 27.81 Table 4.Mean number of harvestable leaves per plant produced by tissue-cultured SR pineapple as influenced by various levels of BAP and degrees shading. CV (a) = 9.80; CV (b) = 13.70

13 Findings of the Study Item Degree of Shading (%) Control255075 Average Yield (t/ha) 1.932.132.201.97 Gross Income (M)3.253.593.703.25 Production Cost (M)1.581.561.79 Labor Cost (M)1.332.192.461.19 Material Cost (K) 254439519599 Net Income (M) 1.672.031.911.53 ROWC (%) 105.19129.53106.9785.32 Table 5.Cost and return analysis per hectare (Php) of producing piña fiber derived from tissue-cultured SR pineapple seedlings as influenced by various degrees of shading.

14 Field Performance of Tissue-Cultured Spanish Red Pineapple Grown from Various Planting Materials Applied with Different Rates of NPK Study 2

15 Objectives Evaluate the growth and yield of TCSRP seedlings grown from different planting materials applied with varying levels of NPK under field conditions. Find out the interaction effect between the two factors. Calculate the economic return of producing the piña fibers.

16 Experimental Treatments Factor A (Source)Factor B (NPK Rate) A 1 – CrownB 1 – control A 2 – SuckerB 2 – 25% A 3 – SlipB 3 – 50% B 4 – 75%


18 Findings of the Study NPK Rate (% of RR) Source of Planting Material Mean** CrownSuckerSlip Control24.67 b 26.67 b 31.00 a 27.45 b 2535.67 a 33.00 a 32.33 a 33.67 a 5036.33 a 30.33 b 31.67 b 32.77 a 7530.67 b 35.00 a 30.67 b 32.11 a MEAN ns 31.8331.2531.4231.50 Table 6.Mean number of harvestable leaves per plant produced by tissue-cultured SR pineapple as influenced by sources of planting materials and NPK rates. CV (a) = 9.83; CV (b) = 10.16

19 Findings of the Study NPK Rate (% of RR) Source of Planting Material Mean** CrownSuckerSlip Control116.40114.25124.47118.37 bc 25108.31115.33112.06111.90 c 50121.58121.98127.06123.53 ab 75136.00130.60124.76130.45 a MEAN ns 120.57 120.57120.54122.08121.06 Table 7.Mean number of fiber strand of bastos per leaf produced by tissue-cultured SR pineapple as influenced by sources of planting materials and NPK rates. CV (a) = 5.90; CV (b) = 4.30

20 Findings of the Study Item NPK Rate (% of RR) Control255075 Average Yield (t/ha)2.492.032.292.52 Gross Income (M)4.193.423.864.24 Production Cost (M)1.441.641.671.71 Labor Cost (M)1.191.391.421.45 Material Cost (K) 250251253254 Net Income (M) 2.751.782.192.54 ROWC (%) 191.05108.56131.13148.60 Table 8.Cost and return analysis per hectare (Php) of producing piña fiber derived from tissue-cultured SR pineapple seedlings applied with various rates of NPK.

21 Conclusions The different BAP concentrations in the tissue culture medium affected the growth of TCSRP, particularly the number of months from planting to maturity, plant height, number of leaves developed per plant and number of harvestable leaves. Subjecting TCSRP to different degrees of shading showed no variation on the growth and fiber yield except on the number of harvestable leaves.

22 Conclusions Growth characteristics and fiber yield of TCSRP was not affected by the different sources of planting materials except for the plant height. Whereas, the different rates of NPK significantly affected the number of harvestable leaves per plant and number of fiber strands of bastos.

23 Conclusions A significant interaction effect between the levels of BAP fortification and degrees of shading was observed on the number of months from planting to maturity and number of harvestable leaves per plant. Likewise, a significant interaction effect between the sources of planting materials and NPK rates was noted on the number of leaves developed per plant.

24 Conclusions Higher net income and ROWC was realized in the use of TCSRP seedlings grown under 25% shading. On the other hand, the highest net income and consequently the highest ROWC were realized from the production of TCSRP without fertilizer treatment. Among the NPK-applied plants, the 75% rate gave higher economic return.

25 Implications Any of the three sources of planting materials (crown, slip and sucker) could be used for the tissue-culture of Spanish Red pineapple. The Spanish Red pineapple should be cultured in a medium fortified with 3 and 5 ppm BAP for optimum growth. TCSRP should be planted in 25% shaded area to yield the highest ROWC. The use of 75% NPK of RR is recommended to produce more fiber strands (bastos or coarse fiber) per leaf.

26 Thank you!

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