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Chapter 6 Section 3 Reconstruction. Reconstruction How do you put a country back together after it just tore itself apart? With malice towards none and.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Section 3 Reconstruction. Reconstruction How do you put a country back together after it just tore itself apart? With malice towards none and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Section 3 Reconstruction

2 Reconstruction How do you put a country back together after it just tore itself apart? With malice towards none and charity to all A. Lincoln

3 1.Freed slaves- 3 options a. have them stay where they are terrorism, murder, robbery B. let them move north disdain by northern whites C. let them move west Hope Exodusters- 20,000 blacks move to Kansas

4 2. Soldiers a. North wanted to return home, did not want to stay in the south as occupiers B. South did not to die for treason- given amnesty, if they swore an oath of loyalty

5 3. Government A. President Johnson- let the southern states back into congress 1. Congress opposed and ignored them B. Sothern states passed “black codes or Jim Crowe laws” to restrict freedoms 1. would evolve to segregation

6 3. Government C. Congress set up 5 military districts 1. Sent troops to keep the peace 2. hard for troops to fight then embrace as friends D. Supreme Court 1. upheld law that prevents the military from trying civilians( Posse Cumatatus) 2. Stated Congress would reconstruct the South

7 E. Radical Republicans 1. increased rights and freedoms for Ex-slaves A. increasing the black votes B. diminish southern power in Government C. Passes Amendments 13 th abolished slavery 14 th gave blacks citizenship 15 th gave black men the right to vote D. Passed the Enforcement Act

8 4. The invisible Empire- birth of the KKK A. secret because the activities were illegal B. use of mob mentality c. used the bible to justify their actions

9 End of Reconstruction 1.Grant had bigger problems A. Sec. of War caught taking bribes B. Presidents wrongly accepted gifts C. inept and corrupt people appointed to positions of power D. Carpetbaggers- politicians with suitcases ( move to an area just to get elected)

10 2. Democrats devise a policy of gerrymandering

11 3. Panic of 1873 A. Philadelphia Bank closed( no Money) 1. 5000 businesses closed because the could not pay their employees 2. thousands loose their jobs B. NYC had 25% unemployment C. Chicago has 20,000 out of work 4. Blacks are forgotten about with the country focused on other problems- the US would not revisit the problem again until the 1950’s

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