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DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 DPA Data Processing and Analysis Task Follow-up Review Malargüe, November 14, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 DPA Data Processing and Analysis Task Follow-up Review Malargüe, November 14, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 DPA Data Processing and Analysis Task Follow-up Review Malargüe, November 14, 2000

2 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task overview Software development and management  Simulation  Reconstruction  Analysis Tools  Software Distribution system  Data Management system Site computing Wide area networking Regional computing centers

3 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 - Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task overview Simulation Shower simulation  AIRES  CORSIKA SD simulation FD simulation  Detector simulation  Electronics simulation  Trigger simulation  Atmosphere simulation Shower detector interface

4 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview SD Simulation  Detector simulation  Electronics simulation  Trigger simulation Sub-task leader: John Swain Status: Agasim/Billoir simulation operational, are used in conjunction with FDsim Geant4 (Northeastern) in preparation, more flexible, allow inclusion of all physical effects realistically. Status for EA: Simulation of SD + FD, electronic simulation yet not integrated. Very basic trigger simulation only

5 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview SD Simulation (cont) Resources needed: Integration of electronics + noise + trigger Milestones: Output compatible with CDAS output (prototype at end of January) Inclusion of noise into sim ( ) Simulation of full array with Geant 4 (July)

6 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview FD Simulation  Detector simulation  Electronics simulation  Trigger simulation  Atmosphere simulation Sub-task leader: Ron Shellard Status : FORTRAN version C++ translation of FD_sim FDVC visualization package Integrated to AIRES ROOT format output Effect of cloud ceiling included Detailed sim of camera To be completed: detailed simulation of shower lateral distribution, atmosphere simulation Trigger sim still disconnected from sim Electronics sim not integrated yet

7 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview FD Simulation (cont) Status for EA : Simulation of SD +FD operational Need integration with trigger, noise + electronics Resources needed: Help to integrate noise and electronics into sim. As well as trigger. Milestones: Output compatible with CDAS output (prototype at end of January). Inclusion of “realistic noise” to generate reconstructions files (january) Simulation of detailed FD, with imperfections of mirrors + cameras + integration with Geant 4 surface array (July).

8 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Shower detector interface Sub-task leader: Pierre Billoir Status: Inteface exist in crude form, for connection between shower and SD+FD sim, not yet very user friendly. Status for EA: Operational. Needs some tunning. Using ROOT as intermediate steps Resources needed: Resources are sufficient for the moment Milestones: Operational interface (done) User friendly interface, isolating user from specific details (middle of the year)

9 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Reconstruction  SD Reconstruction  FD reconstruction  Hybrid reconstruction Sub-task leader: Pierre Billoir with help from Bruce Dawson and Brian Fick Status:  Prototype structures working for SD, FD and Hybrid. Needs a lot of tunning (in particular from the FD part)  Simulation+Reconstruction chain: Example working from Aires to SD+FD  ROOT interfaces with simulation working, but need to be streamlined. Start from pe. counting at detectors  Mixed Fortran and C++  Need isolate structure from algorithms Status for EA: Integrated (SD+FD) will be ready by the end of January

10 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Reconstruction (cont) Resources needed: Every physicist in collaboration! Milestones: Prototype of integrated SD+ FD (operating with two eyes) operational (end of January) Structure with stereo eyes (middle of the year) User friendly structure, isolating the user from nitty gritty I/O, from sequence of calling routines, focus only on physics arguments and algorithms (optimistically by the end of next year)

11 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Analysis Tools  Visualization tools  Common Software library  Documentation system Sub-task leader: Luis Prado Jr. Status:  Analysis environment: LINUX (recomend RedHat/Mandrake distribution)  Visualization tools defined: ROOT, QT, OpenGL (Mesa). Some examples worked out (FDVC) see  Common software library no concrete work yet (needs have still to be identified)  Documentation tools being tested: Doxygen

12 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Analysis Tools (cont) Status for EA: Some tools defined and prototypes implemented, but still needs lots of work to them tobecome effective. Input of needs from users are necessary. The number of tools will grow with demand. But basic structure is set. Resources needed: Computers experts with experience in Object Oriented Programing to improve the visualization tools. Milestones: Prototype of integrated visualization of SD+FD (middle of the year). ROOT analysis framework for non- experts, to do PAW-like analysis (middle of the year)

13 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview

14 Data Processing and Analysis DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 - DPA Task overview


16 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Software distribution  Software repository  Software build system  Software distribution system Sub-task leader: Luis Prado Jr. Status: Repositories defined (Regional Computing Centers). Directory structure for Auger is alsocreated. The build system is being created. Status for EA: Prototype distribution system will be operational be the end of January Resources needed: CVS expert to help. Milestones: Prototype available (end of january)

17 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview ~auger/phy/ ~auger/phy/sim/ ~auger/phy/sim/shw/ ~auger/phy/sim/shw/aires/pro -->./Aires2.2.1/ ~auger/phy/sim/shw/aires/Aires2.2.1/ ~auger/phy/sim/shw/aires/Aires2.2.0/ ~auger/phy/sim/shw/corsika/ ~auger/phy/sim/fd/ ~auger/phy/sim/fd/fdsim/pro -->./FDSim2.1.0/ ~auger/phy/sim/fd/fdsim/FDSim2.1.0/ /bin/ /demos/ /dev/ /doc/ /etc/ /include/ /lib/ /man/ /src/ ~auger/phy/sim/fd/fdsim/FDSim2.0.13/ ~auger/phy/sim/fd/fdsim/FDSim1.9.8/ ~auger/phy/sim/sd/ ~auger/phy/sim/sd/agasim/

18 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Data Management  Data Handling and storage  Database  Data Acquisition interface Sub-task leader: Status: Status for EA: Resources needed: Milestones:

19 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Offline monitoring and calibration  SD Detector  FD Detector  Atmosphere monitoring Sub-task leader: Status: Stand by, will derive from detector monitoring and calibration. Status for EA: Resources needed: Milestones:

20 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Site computing  Local area network  Local server  Computer facilities Sub-task leader: René Bilhaut, Sergio Sciutto Status: LAN defined, local server defined. Status for EA: Facilities for analysis available at the site. Resources needed: Server system (Brazil) Milestones: Installation of server (february), Upgrade, one year latter.

21 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Wide Area Network Sub-task leader: Status: Report by Sergio Sciutto Status for EA: Resources needed: Milestones:

22 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview Data Mirror Centers  Europe (IN2P3-Lyon) Sub-task leader: Alain Cordier  USA (Fermilab) Sub-task leader: Lukas Néllen  CERN Sub-task leader: Lucas Taylor (?)  Latin America (Buenos Aires) Sub-task leader: Sergio Sciutto Status: Lyon, Fermilab and CERN are operational. BAires is to be implemented Status for EA: OK! But has to get BA going. Resources needed: Site manager for CERN if Lucas is busy with other things. Milestones: Malargue data sitting at the centers (as soon as it is available!).

23 DPA follow-up review, Malargüe, Nov/2000 Data Processing and Analysis DPA Task Overview SUMMARY DPA EA WORKSHOP DPA EA WORKSHOP Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 22 to 26 January, 2001 22 to 26 January, 2001

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