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Research and Innovation in Germany - Promotion Measures of BMBF in the Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Erika Rost, BMBF,

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Innovation in Germany - Promotion Measures of BMBF in the Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Erika Rost, BMBF,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Innovation in Germany - Promotion Measures of BMBF in the Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Erika Rost, BMBF, Head of Division Cooperation with Eastern Europe Week of Research, Development and Innovation Joint Workshop of BMBF and MŠMT, Prague, December 2006

2 Structure of the German research funding sector (simplified overview)
Federal Gov't BLK Länder Industry/business Foundations Science Council Sharing information: EU's International research institutions and organisations e.g. CERN, EMBL, ESA, ESFR, ESO, ETW, IAEO DFG 58:42 Universities Research facilities of companies HGF 90:10 MPG 50:50 Länder institutions with R&D tasks FhG 90:10 AIF institutes WGL 50:50 Academies R&D institutions with industry ties Federal institutions with R&D tasks Project support (only for Federal Government and industry) Institutionalised support relationships

3 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
The tasks of the BMBF: Legislative, policy and coordination tasks for non-school initial and continuing vocational training Research promotion Legislation on training assistance and its funding (in conjunction with the Länder) The promotion of gifted school students, trainees and students and the fostering of young scientific talent The promotion of international exchange of trainees, students, persons taking part in continuing education, instructors and scientists

4 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Research Promotion (Institutional and Project Funding) Promotion of basic research and research organisations (together with the Länder (“joint research promotion”) Promotion of key technologies (health research, biotechnology, information technology, nanotechnology, ecological research, R&D for employment and innovative work) Promotion of state preventive research (Vorsorgeforschung) (environment, climate, ecology and health, sustainability, marine & polar research, R&D to improve working conditions, R&D into education and training, humanities and social sciences)

5 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
German Research Policy - Recent developments High-Tech Strategy: A new foundation for Germany’s innovation policy A coordinated innovation policy of the Federal Government Generic activities: Combine the strengths of science and economy Improve the conditions for high-tech start ups and SME Support rapid diffusion of new technologies Strengthen the international position of Germany Invest in people

6 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
German Research Policy - Recent developments (2) High-Tech Strategy: The specific innovation strategies: Innovation for a healthy and safe living Innovation for a communicative and mobile life Innovation through generic technologies

7 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
German Research Policy - Recent developments (3) Internationalisation Research does not stop at national borders International cooperation stimulates dynamism and creativity International cooperation gains from complementary expertise, cross-fertilisation and pooling of resources - worldwide for mutual benefit Right mix and balance of international cooperation and competition is a key engine of progress (cooperation of people, institutions, economies and societies)

8 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
German Research Policy - Recent developments (4) Internationalisation: Being attractive & open in education and research Being present in regions of strategic importance for R&D and future markets Assuming international responsibility

9 „Gemeinsam mit Deutschland in der Europäischen Union“
German Research Policy - Recent developments (5) Internationalisation: Improve conditions for internationally oriented R&D institutions Improve research and innovation performance by international cooperation and competition Support the building of an European Education and Research Area (ERA) Strengthen global cooperation instruments Improve framework conditions and research promotion instruments Enhance the political coordination and evaluation

10 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Where do we stand? Current forms of international cooperation do not make full use of its possibilities and opportunities: global strategic partnerships/networks joint research facilities Current significance in public research degree of networking joint projects Exchange of Scientists Information exchange intensity of cooperation

11 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
International Cooperation in Education and Research Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries: Bilateral cooperation in education and research with the Central and Eastern European countries is marked by the EU's enlargement to the East and the creation of a European Education and Research Area. With new forms of cooperation and by focusing on key areas of mutual interest, it is intended to expand bilateral cooperation at a European level and thus to generate a bilateral as well as a European added value. Objectives Instruments Criteria

12 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Objectives: Stimulate cooperation and networking of German institutions with European and international partners Link capabilities in R&D projects which are of mutual interest Improve competitiveness, achieve synergies Foster the integration of SEE into the growing European Research Area Contribute to the development of the ERA and to the Lisbon process

13 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Instrument “Regional Call” – International Cooperation in Education and Research – Central, Eastern and South Eastern European Region Supports the preparation of projects in applied R&D and in education under current funding programmes of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) e.g. New technologies, Life sciences, Sustainability related to thematic priorities of the specific programme “Cooperation” of the EU 7. Framework Programme, e.g. Health, Biotechnology, ICT, Nanotechnologies, Materials, Environment Instrument “Joint Research Base”

14 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Funding of higher education and research institutions in conjunction with partner institutions from CEE countries (preference for applications involving SMEs); Consortia: German applicant and two or more further institutions (of which one or more from CEE country) Funding for travelling expenses incurred by German experts costs of sojourns of foreign experts in Germany, in special cases staff costs for investigations of feasibility and costs of events physical resources (consumables for pilot investigations). (grants up to 50,000 € pro the preparation of particularly complex projects)

15 „Gemeinsam mit Deutschland in der Europäischen Union“
Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Selection criteria: Scientific quality and originality of work plan Prospects of success of the planned project (BMBF/EU) Qualification of project coordinator and project partner Quality of the cooperation and mutual benefit Commercial exploitation of the anticipated results Promotion of young scientists (additional criteria in the case of “Joint Research Bases”)

16 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Applications are accepted and processed continually Information: Responsible for Regional Call: BMBF, Ref. 216 Contact: International Bureau of BMBF:

17 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries Instrument “SEE-ERA-Net” Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area in Southeast Europe German participation, leader of WP 4: “Discussion and Identification of Strategic Initiatives“ White paper, Joint Acion Plan Participation in the Joint Call, - Preparation Measures, Accompanying Mesasures, Pilot Joint Call -

18 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Cooperation with Central Eastern European Countries International activities of Universities and Research Organisations e.g. German research organisations and institutions - Max Planck Society - Helmholtz Association - Fraunhofer Society (FhG) - Leibniz Association (WGL) (exchange of personnel, joint projects, etc.) German funding organisations - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) (specific programmes and initiatives, mobility and exchange programmes, “Go East”, “Go out” etc.)

19 Workshop von BMBF und MŠMT, Prag, Dezember 2006
Thank you for your attention!

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