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Report of Tokyo Node The Planning Committee Meeting March 14 and 15, 2002 Washington DC, USA Shinji Matsumoto JSFS/CSP Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Report of Tokyo Node The Planning Committee Meeting March 14 and 15, 2002 Washington DC, USA Shinji Matsumoto JSFS/CSP Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of Tokyo Node The Planning Committee Meeting March 14 and 15, 2002 Washington DC, USA Shinji Matsumoto JSFS/CSP Japan

2 Renewal of Tokyo Node There have been two Nodes in Japan, Tokyo Node and JSFS Node. Mr. Jerome Glenn, the director of the project, recommended to combine them and establish new Tokyo Node. Structure of new Tokyo Node Node Chair Shinji Matsumoto (JSFS) Node Members JSFS Working Group Members in old Tokyo Node

3 Recent Activities Workshop “Ethical Issues of Science and Technology for the Next Millennium” 21 September, 2001 ( Under the auspice of the UNU/IAS and JSFS) Interviews on S&T Management 6 Persons November and December, 2001

4 Workshop “Ethical Issues of Science and Technology for the new Millennium” Date 21 September, 2001 Venue UNU/IAS AGENDA Opening Address A.H. Zakri (Director-General, IAS) Yujiro Hayashi (Chairman, JSFS) Keynote Address Junnosuke Kishida (Emeritus Chairman, The Japan Research Institute) Speakers Biotechnology Kazuhisa Sekimizu (Univ. of Tokyo) Robotics Ken Tomiyama (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) Media Hiroyuki Yoshii (Tokyo Keizai Univ.) International Edson Kenji Kondo (IAS)

5 Discussed Issues Social Software for S&T Technology Assessment Systems Information Disclosure Production of Human Parts Incentive of S&T Researchers Systems for people to be ethical Precautionary Principle Global Economy and Community Economy

6 Interviews on S&T Management Interviewees Tetsuo Saito Congressman, Physics Susumu Toda Director-General of National Lab., Aeronautics Koji Omi Minister of S&T Hiroo Inokuchi Prof. Emeritus, Univ. of Tokyo, Chemistry Ken Tomiyama Prof., Aoyama Gakuin Univ., Robotics Kazuhisa Sekimizu Prof., Univ. of Tokyo, Biotechnology

7 Important Comments (1) R&D freedom is very important. But, some kinds of R&D and application should be controlled especially in human life science. Adequate S&T assessment systems are needed. International and national open discussion systems on S&T management should be established. International standards to control risk from S&T should be established by international organizations.

8 Important Comments (2) S&T Managers cannot understand sufficiently about advanced S&T. But, some experts can watch many kinds of S&T at the same time. Ethics issues are education issues. Global benefit is more important than regional benefit. Communication between S&T people and non S&T people. Informal organizations for S&T assessment are sometimes practical.

9 Plan of This Year Contribution to the Surveys in the Millennium Project 2 nd Workshop of “Ethical issues of Science & Technology for the new Millennium”

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