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Presentation of EFQUEL 1 st Project Meeting Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | Meeting | Kragujevac.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of EFQUEL 1 st Project Meeting Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | Meeting | Kragujevac."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of EFQUEL DL@WeB 1 st Project Meeting Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | DL@Web Meeting | Kragujevac.

2 EFQUEL in a nutshell EFQUEL is Europe‘s largest association in the field of E-Learning quality. Established in 2005 88 organisational members Main activities: Projects, Awards, Networking, Conferences, Certifications Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | DL@Web Meeting | Kragujevac.

3 Action fields Policy ResearchDevelopment Praxis Macro Micro Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | DL@Web Meeting | Kragujevac. Primary&Secondary ED | Higher ED | Vocational ED&Training | Adult ED

4 EFQUEL Innovation Forum Involvement of different stakeholders (policy, research, practice) Interactive Structure Consensus Building Methods Networking Generation of new ideas (i.e. for projects) Annemie Boonen | 09.11.2010 | Louvain La Neuve For your calendar: 14-16 September 2011

5 UNIQUe certifies ICT adoption and integration for learning in HE based on broad consensus from several initiatives. UNIQUE involves HEIs into a collaborative benchlearning process on ICT adoption. UNIQUe is based on a holistic model : pedagogies, technologies and support services. Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | DL@Web Meeting | Kragujevac. UNIQUe

6 The UNIQUe label benefits from an overall institutional framework already tested through the MASSIVE project and from the EFMD experience Compared to other quality initiatives in the area of technology-enhanced learning, UNIQUe has a broader institutional approach and is not only related to e-learning. The Unique quality label builds on the broadest stakeholder involvement. The UNIQUe process is structured in six very distinct stages and offers a formalised approach in each of the steps. Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | DL@Web Meeting | Kragujevac. Advantages (1/2)

7 The Unique quality label focuses on innovation. UNIQUe ensures continuous quality improvement since it is a diagnostic tool for self-assessment of the institution UNIQUe is an accelerator for quality improvement and innovation. The Unique quality label provides an certification as a result, next to continuous quality improvement mechanisms. Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | DL@Web Meeting | Kragujevac. Advantages (2/2)

8 LEARNING RESOURCES RESOURCES FOR LEARNING STUDENTS FACULTY (TEACHERS) TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT LEARNING PROCESSES QUALITY OF THE OFFER (e.g. catalogues and services, learning organisation) IPR MANAGEMENT PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT/ HR DEVELOPMENT + SERVICES LEARNING CONTEXT/INSTITUTION COMMITMENT TO INNOVATION, (culture, R&D) INSTITUTIONAL STANDING, (e.g. Context and mission, Background and experience, reputation in the eL community) OPENESS (e.g. Access, connections with the corporate word, contribution to the community, international issues) Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | DL@Web Meeting | Kragujevac. Criteria Categories

9 Process

10 More information online Rolf Reinhardt | 18.11.2010 | DL@Web Meeting | Kragujevac.

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