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Fall Quarter 2013 Am I ?. Extending Hospitality To My Brother Lesson 7 Sunday.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall Quarter 2013 Am I ?. Extending Hospitality To My Brother Lesson 7 Sunday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Quarter 2013 Am I ?

2 Extending Hospitality To My Brother Lesson 7 Sunday

3 Extending Hospitality To My Brother 1.What extra effort did the Shunammite couple to to in order to extend hospitality, according to 2 Kings 4:8-17? 2.What blessing (s) did they receive as a result? 3.3 rd John is written to commend Gaius for hospitality he had extended. What pressure had Gaius faced according to verses 9 & 10? 4.What attitude are we not to have as we extend hospitality, according to 1 Peter 4:9? What does this mean?

4 Extending Hospitality To My Brother 5.List some of the occasions found in the scriptures when hospitality was extended. 6.It takes cooperation between husband and wife for a couple to be hospitable. Do you agree? Discuss 7.What are some of the hindrances to hospitality? 8.What are some of the blessings enjoyed by hospitable people?

5 Extending Hospitality To My Brother 9.Read 2 John 9-11. Under what conditions should one not extend hospitality? 10.Read Matthew 25:31-36. what in these verses suggests a connection between being hospitable and eternal salvation?

6 Fall Quarter 2013 Am I ?

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